"Apostates"! Do You Know We Control the Watchtower - BY REACTION?

by metatron 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    I'll repeat it, based on what an elder said to my husband and I, both inactive, if a JW doesn't turn time in, the elders do not feel they are disassociating themselves. They are still considered part of the congregation.

    "Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry" p 150

    As a disassociated person his situation before Jehovah is far different from that of an inactive Christian who having grown weak spiritually, no longer shares in the field ministry.


  • blondie
    they will often be asked if they believe "this is the truth" or any other such statement that puts them on the spot. If they fail to reply as the elders wish, or any other refusal to comply, they can then be disassociated formally - using the statement that so and so "has disassociated himself" ( by not going out in service/ meetings).

    Then they are not being disassociated for simply not turning in time. It is merely a way to get a foot in the door to ask the above question. Don't let them in, don't talk to them on the phone.


  • stillajwexelder

    We (Body of Elders) were once told by a CO - Do not difellowship or pressure to dissassociate somebody out of frustration. If somebody has gone innactive etc. there could be frustration on the part of some "old school" elders - that is where this rumor may have started

  • metatron

    Some time ago, extensive information about this subterfuge appeared on this very board.

    First, it was exposed that the Society was looking for a way to "get" various complainers and inactive types

    who were damaging their interests, especially with regard to Witness families. It was also discussed herein

    how this policy created a sudden increase in df/da 'd people, particularily in parts of Europe.

    Never make the mistake of thinking that the "truth" has any rules THEY must follow - or that you have any "rights"

    under their system. They can virtually df anyone they please - for "apostasy" or "causing division" , for example.

    You all need to be aware of the manner in which the Society crafts lies - such as years ago when they hunted down

    "apostates" in the '80's - while making pious comments about not being "spiritual policemen" or engaging in "witchhunts".

    Remember the Pharisees - they say but do not perform.


  • stillajwexelder

    Remember the Pharisees - they say but do not perform. metatron

    Thanks for the reminder metatron -- you are quite correct of course

  • metatron

    Blondie, why would a person not wish to put in time? What's stopping you from coming to meetings?

    You don't want to? You don't believe It?!! Well, then.......

    See how simple this is?

    Any doubt expressed - and ESPECIALLY any doubt spoken about the self glorified "faithful slave" equals disbelief

    which equals apostasy, if they wish.


  • blondie

    Metaton, if you don't answer the phone when they call or the door when the "drop by" there is no way they can ask those questions. I refuse all mail from JWs. There is no way they can have access to me at work (security), in my garage (shut and locked).

    I'm sure 2 elders could get together and lie and said they talked to me and I said such and such.

    I have know elders to do that.

    Can anyone avoid it 100%. No, they tried to get 2 people to lie about Jesus and they couldn't get their stories straight. And they still put Jesus to death without any real proof.

    I have no illusions about the WTS or any legal system. If the some people within it have abandoned all moral and ethical values, and the system is totally corrupt, no one is safe.

    Believe me, if it gets that bad in the WTS, I expect koolaid will be on the menu soon at the KH.


  • avishai

    a recent change: the inactive need to put in time or be disassociated

    This is HUGE!

    Please Metatron, we need to see some hard evidence of this change.

    Well, gee, in 1988 or 89 I did'nt turn my time for two months, and it was announced from the platform that i was no longer a publisher of Jehovahs witnesses. The Irony was, they KNEW I had gone out in service, I've just always been a flake about turning in time. that was about it for me.

  • cruzanheart

    It does depend on what type of elders you have in your area, too. I faded almost two years ago and, after three half-hearted phone calls (the last of which I didn't answer), I haven't seen an elder or heard from one. I think it helps that I moved my card to a congregation that doesn't have my neighborhood as a territory, so it isn't easy to just "drop by" while out in service, assuming they cared enough to look me up anyway. Even the congregation that has my neighborhood hasn't worked it in almost three years. There's lots of apathy around here and it's been like that for years. That congregation didn't know who I was even when I DID go, so they certainly don't miss me now!

    Unfortunately, I think there will always be someone needy enough or mean enough to want what the JW organization has to offer, so it will not disappear altogether. It will, however, continue to devolve into just another minor fundamentalist group with weird isolationist ideas. If we're lucky, the present and future lawsuits will chip away at its porcelain veneer and expose enough of the seamy underbelly that they will be forced to change their policies, at least publicly, and will lose a LOT of its members.


  • Mulan

    We know a couple who moved, had their cards moved to a congregation where the man's cousin was the secretary. When the cards came, he handed them over to them (cousinly love.................and true family loyalty) and they also dropped out of sight. They cousin also has issues and will likely leave too.

    Without your cards, can they do anything to you?

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