Well, sadly I have. Probably like 15 pounds or so. I feel like shit physically. I guess increased appetite is probably from the mild depression? I feel down since losing my mother and sisters because I left the JW's. Also, the fact that they have nothing to do with my 3 year old boy bothers the hell out of me - he was only 1 when we left the org and they haven't seen him since. I need to lose this weight, but when I'm down I feel like eating. I did start seeing a therapist about all of this probably a year ago - but he seemed really uninterested (and was expensive) - plus I haven't found anywhere but this forum where people really understand what we've been through. So, anyone else eating there way through depression?
Have you gained weight since leaving the Borg?
by badwillie 26 Replies latest jw friends
my bf has gained 15 pounds since I left.. I am pretty sure that it has more to do with moving in with me and my cooking though..
I can't say I have gained weight regarding depression from leaving. I guess because maybe it hasn't hit me yet.. more things have been positive about leaving and the negative I am not thinking about too much..
I have at times eaten though during depression.. I think that can be natural.. you know we hear about comfort foods.. it is our outlet..
Yeah actually, about 50 lbs. But then again I was anorexic when I was in and now am getting into body building.
Fortunately, no. One of the things I planned to do with the time I recaptured after leaving the JW and no longer doing field service and meetings was to start doing more exercise. Unfortunately, I haven't been very consistent and I am at about the same weight. I did lose about 10 lbs a few months after I left, but I'm back around my original weight now. I gained about 40 lbs after I left home and started working and while I was a JW. But that had little to do with being a JW and more to do with the fact that I now spend 8 hours a day sitting at a desk. It is easy to spend those free evenings I have now sitting watching tv and munching on something. I'm on a good exercise routine swing now. Hopefully, I can keep it going.
I was actually depressed while I was in the borg; for the last 15 years or so I was in, I was on antidepressants (my first marriage, to a JW, may have had a lot to do with that, too). Anyway, my first marriage and my last thread of involvement with the borg ended simultaneously. My depression got better almost immediately, and right after my divorce became final, I was able to chuck the antidepressants. I went cold turkey (which I don't advise), but never felt that I needed them again.
I had always had a weight problem, even as a kid, but I had become grossly overweight over the years that I was a JW. I'm pleased to say that I've lost almost 100 pounds (and still going) over the last year. Seems now that my life is happier, I don't have the emotional need to stuff my face constantly; all it took was to break some of my bad eating habits and get into a new regimen (I'm following the Weight Watchers FlexPoints program, and it's working wonderfully).
Over New Years weekend, I went to a wedding out of state, and decided to not worry about what I ate for the five days I was away. Basically, I went back to my old way of eating. I found that I didn't enjoy eating that way anymore, and that after a couple of days of it, I felt like crap. I gained back 9 pounds over Christmas and New Years weeks, but lost it all again right after, and felt much better eating right. The key, I guess, is to get your life in order, so that you aren't constantly feeling frustration from your circumstances. Anyway, it seems to be working for me.
I can recommend Weight Watchers for some real weight-loss that lasts at least a year. I got a WW keychain for losing over 10% of my body-weight, which was 316 lbs. at the beginning. Then I stopped the program last year but at least didn't gain anything back. Weight Watchers don't advocate extreme stuff or cutting out any kind of food. In any case, avoid the Atkins Diet or any fad diet of the month which invokes certain tricks or cuts out specific food items, it's not needed. You know what's fattening, just discipline yourself to eat less of it, and more of the no-risk veggie foods, etc.
I suppose it may not be proper here to advertise a corporation but if you're interested you can guess what the Weight Watchers Web-site is.
na, i can't eat
3 and a half pounds....of hair! Maverick....same weight since college!
I think everyone does. If you're not going door to door anymore and have not increased physical activity in other areas you tend to gain weight. Depression also makes some people eat- comfort food.
So, anyone else eating there way through depression?
Many actually LOSE weight when the suffer emotionally. Everyone is different. Some drink more, smoke dope, or instead of feeling down and lethargic......they are out partying and are as happy as clams.
It depends on YOU, your situation, and how you handle tradgedies.I know of many who eat when they are bummed.
I want to say I'm glad you feel in good hands here among friends. I feel bad for you and your treatment of you and your boy by your mom and sis. That religion is definately a disgrace to humanity and hopefully will crumble to the friggin ground someday soon.