Having shown signs of some all-too-belated common sense in relaxing unwritten rules about beards for brothers and trousers for sisters, this about-face over using sisters on audio-visual assignments is disappointing, not to mention confusing (there being no obvious reason to change tack on this).
As has been previously mentioned, there are also risks with suggesting greater use of young boys for these assignments.
In my circuit there are actually not many such young unbaptised males they could use - although there are plenty of older, baptised ones who are just coasting, irregular at meetings and not participating (or as the saying goes "not reaching out"). It will be interesting to see what these congregations do about that - I can't imagine they'll find enough 'capable' males from that lot to replace the willing sisters they're currently using! 😅
There's absolutely no need to create this level of antagonism in the sisters who are actually bothering to help out, or this level of hassle for bodies of elders either, who having probably just sorted out their congregation assignments, have now got to try and go around and change them all up again, swapping out sisters and finding boys (or second-rate baptised brothers) to take their place. It's just the GB needlessly stirring the pot again.
This seems to be another indicator that just as the current GB takes one step forward in some things, it swiftly follows with two steps backwards in others.