What's the most dangerous thing you ever did?

by JH 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    oH I forgot my Bonnie and Clyde day LOlL I was visiting my Mother in Florida by Orlando and drove up the coast to see my Granny. I stayed longer than I thought I would and so I miscalculated my money on my debit card.

    On the way back I tried to get gas and my debit wouldn't go thru it said no where that you couldn't write a check. I went in to pay had all my info on my check and she refused it. I was saying "Mam do you think I can suck the gas out of my car, it is in there, this is all I have to pay with." She kept being rude so I left I had written down my phone number on the check and told her she had no reason not to take it there were no signs refusing checks.

    So I left going quickly (barrel assing) down back roads I called Thunder and told him LOL He was FURIOUS the highway patrol had called him and told him I left without paying NOT TRUE. So he had paid by phone and they made him fax his license too LOL

    Hey they needed signs right

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Sitting with Blondie

    Living with my insane father

    but on my own ----- just before I left the JWs I was extremely suicidal - thinking about it all the time and planning way sto do it.

    I had a part time job driving cars in Montreal from the airport to downtown on icy roads doing about 150KM through the on and off ramps. When I lost control of the car I headed for the wall and sterred off that to the other wall and back and forth down the ramp. I had to stop at the bottom to realize how close I had come to dying. One of the other drivers in a car behind me saw me and said he thought I was going to kill myself

    But through that I realized I didn't want to be dead. I just wanted the pain to go away - so I went for counseling


    In July 2000.

    Tornado Warnings/Watches were being disseminated on local TV Stations.

    Where my cousin lives in Guelph, Ontario - a lovely F2 tornado touches down in her neighbourhood.....she went out to watch it, and then her son saw debris, cars being tossed into the air....my cousin making like a banana with son in hand, into her basement. Husband watching TV wondering what the hell is going on....power goes out....

    .....I get a call from my cousin, telling me a tornado went through their neighbourhood.

    Guelph is about an hour from Toronto. I can tell from the radio/TV, we're in for a doozie of a storm, and it's bearing down on Toronto.

    I decide to grab my camera , and go outside to see if the storm is approaching.

    No only has it approached, it is overhead, and the sky was thick green/black, churning and well...I aimed my camera skyward. WOW!

    My neighbour, across the street, is originally from Woodstock, Ontario. That is where a nasty F3 tornado killed a few people back in 1979. She met me on the street, she looked up, pointed at the rotating funnel clouds and then all of a sudden a thick bright FLASH and the loudest thunder I have ever heard. (ear splitting) I damn near soiled my underpants, because it was within a few yards of us, down the street. A tree was hit, and the sound of the explosion, and heat....and the tingling on my skin.... I knew I was close, and so was my neighbour.

    She told me, in no uncertain terms: 'Ray go home NOW, get in, and stay low...this is not good'.

    Then the lightnings intensity picked up, then the rain, then the hail...and it was pitch black outside with high winds and well....the power flickered, then it went out....and that last 5-10 minutes. The trees in the neighbourhood were creaking and I honestly thought a tornado was on the ground, heading for our house.

    Then...almost as quick as it came, the sky cleared, and the sun was peeking out to the west in the early evening sky.

    That was scary. Me trying to get photos of rotating clouds and the storm, and almost being hit by lightning as a result:

    I saw the video footage of the Guelph tornado, and well.....it was frightening.

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