Science vs. Spirituality?

by Sunchild 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sunchild
    There is not such a thing like Science vs. Spirituality....because there are two different disciplines.

    Actually, I think so, too. But I've run across at least a few people who seem to think that if you accept science, you can't believe in anything spiritual. I've also had some people try to tell me [incorrectly] that since I have a spiritual side, I don't believe in science. They refuse to believe me when I say that I think science is a good thing, and that it enriches my spiritual life; according to some, apparently, that's impossible. That's why I posed the question. I'm genuinely confused by this.


    "Most men complacently accept 'knowledge' as 'truth'. They are sheep, ruled by fear."
    -- Sydney Losstarot, "Vagrant Story."

  • hippikon

    I see your point a bit better now and I don't disagree

  • Introspection

    I wouldn't get too excited over the scientific validation of meditation. The fact is meditation has existed for thousands of years, science as we know it has not existed nearly as long. This should give us a clue as to the value of subjective disciplines.

  • Francois

    Sunchild, ditto baby, let's get together and oscillate antennae!!

    Seriously, It all started with the "Crack in the Cosmic Egg" and it's been a slide ever since. I really am convinced that sooner or later penetration through quantuum physics will disclose that there is only one particle of matter at the root of all things material. I was so disappointed when the congress refused to go for the superconducting supercollider in Texas. I was certain that machine would disclose the existence of the "ultimaton." Oh well.

    But I've spent so much of my time in the study of material science vs spirituality and there's so few who are interested in discussing it. I'm convinced that is where the dichotomy between science and religion will finally be resolved.

    And some of the posters here speaking about the "feeling" or "intuition" of spirituality while at the same time mistaking science for an activity that discovers "truth." Science does no such thing. Science offers models that may explain various phenomena, and any scientist possessing intellectual integrity quickly admits it. Scientists will also say that they could come up with "other models" to explain reality, they just haven't done it yet!

    We must get together and discuss this sometime. Your lab or mine?


  • teejay


    You said:
    I've also had some people try to tell me [incorrectly] that since I
    have a spiritual side, I don't believe in science. They refuse to
    believe me when I say that I think science is a good thing, and that
    it enriches my spiritual life; according to some, apparently, that's
    impossible. That's why I posed the question. I'm genuinely
    confused by this

    And so am i. I'm mainly having a difficult time trying to
    understand what you are looking for (but I'd like to). In this
    thread there's mention of "science," "spirituality," and
    "religion." I don't believe the three are necessarily intertwined
    (they CAN be), but true science can have a positive effect on a
    person's understanding of their spirituality or connectedness
    with the Big Unknown.

    "Religion" is a whole 'nuther matter. I see it as a way for people to
    define (in themselves and others) ones own spirituality -- a way to
    label it. You are (practice?) Wiccan. That's helps others "know"
    you better, but I wonder if you believe everything other Wiccans
    believe. I tend to doubt it, but I could be wrong.

    This thread reminds me of times when an hour talk ended and
    the subject of the discourse was murkier than when the speaker
    began. He'd say, "it was deeeep." So is this.


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