The USA - Question/s Prior To Visit

by Celtic 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Hell. Where the ruddy hec do you start? OK, if I were to visit the States, where should I visit if I love culture and stunning scenery?

    I mean I don't want to go anywhere where the people are a tad too much off their heads, but somewhere where a bit of flavour doesn't go amiss. Plus if I was to spark off conversations on politics, American policies abroad or whatever, I don't need to get myself shot, so where do you reccomend?

    Especially, I would love to see the country itself, where shall I go to?

    Best regards


  • dustyb

    texas. go to texas. bunch of down home friendly people that like to have fun, show off the country, get piss drunk and have a good time. if you go to any big city, houston rox. dallas is cool too.

  • Gopher


    I hope you enjoy your visit here to the USA. Each state has its own unique beauty. It depends on what you're looking for. Perhaps a travel agent can help answer your questions.

    I've visited all the 48 lower states at one time or another. For culture, the cities of New England (in the Northeast) have great history and architecture. Especially Boston, Philadelphia and New York.

    For beauty -- if you love mountains, you could hardly do better than the great Rocky mountains. Criss-cross Colorado on Interstate 70 (east-west) and Interstate 25 (north-south).

    If you love oceans/beachfront, go to the gulf coast of Florida, starting from St. Petersburg and heading south to Fort Meyers.

    If you love lakes and fishing, you could come to my home state of Minnesota. But wait until the spring, it's d*mn cold here right now.

    Some of the most beautiful cities to visit include San Antonio, Texas and Portland, Oregon.

    If you're into cuisine, the best seafood comes from the east coast, and the best steak is in Montana and Nebraska, and New York is cosmopolitan -- you can get almost anything in the world there.

  • DevonMcBride

    There are too many places to list but a good start would be New England. Not only is there historical sites, but it is very scenic especially during fall foliage. If you are looking for natural scenery, the West Coast is the place to go. Arizona has the Grand Canyon, Utah has Zion Nat'l Park and Bryce Canyon, Colorado has the rockies where you can stay in a dude ranch, and New Mexico has Native American sites. If you are looking for the tropics, Florida has plenty to do with fine beaches.


  • NeonMadman

    You could come to New Jersey, and I'll give you the Sopranos tour...

  • Ailla

    San Francisco and coastal California

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    How much time do you have? Does cold or warm suit you best? I'd suggest picking one really cool metropolitan area to start with that has really interesting surrounding sites and locations. New Orleans is a blast, and there are plenty of nifty places to visit and things to see.

    Your question reminded me of when I was in high school, and my counsin's family had a foreign exchange student from France stay with them for three months. I will never forget, the first night she was here, when she whipped out a list at the dinner table of the places she wanted to visit during her stay. New York City, the Grand Canyon, San Francisco, The Rocky mountains, Florida, Mount Rushmore, the list went on and on. At the end of her list, my Uncle gently explained that while they would visit some of the places on her list, it wouldn't be possible to see them all--she replied with "But, we have weekends off from school!". She had failed to realize that her entire home country would fit within the borders of Texas, and that most of the places she wanted to visit weren't weekend day-trips. It was an interesting perspective.

  • Valis

    I would say go to Denver, Colorado. Ya got a great city, mountains close, lots of beauty all round, Colorado City is also very cool, You can go up on the top of ground zero (AKA Cheyenne Mountain AKA NORAD) and vist the Wil Rogers Peace Shrine. ...then maybe head to Northern New Mexico towards Taos, or Santa Fe. Maybe even Salt Lake.City Utah. Actually a cool place to visit, especially downtown and the surrounding mountains. ...Great museum too My other choice would be Northern California, San Fran the go north to Humboldt County, hit Eureka and Arcata for some of the best pot in the world, and keep heading up to Oregon. Very pretty country. Hmm maybe some other idears later matey!


    District Overbeer

  • stillajwexelder

    Boston Area - loads of history and culture -it is where the USA started -- and loads of scenery in New England - Vermont, Main New Hampshire , Mass itself, even Rhode Island and Connecticut -- and you are still not far from upstate New York

  • slenderdog

    Blue Ridge Mountains. Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina.

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