Elder Visit

by Coqui 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Coqui

    I've been away for a year and a half. Today my family got a knock on the door and yes two Witness, one a servant who I know and an elder who I had never met.

    Mostly small talk all directed at me and not my wife.

    I never DA nor had I been DF'ed.

    Elder question: Do you beleive this is the TRUTH?

    Me: Why do you ask that question?

    Elder: Thats a valid question?

    Me: Why do you ask that qustion? I think I know where you are going with this!!!!!

    Conversation moved on. Is this their attempt to get the goods on me for my termination/execution?

  • Gretchen956

    Sounds like it, its happened to several people I know lately.


  • cyberguy

    You're being asked a "loaded" question. If you answer "yes," then they want to have a Bible study with you. If you answer "no," then they'll announce that you've DA'd yourself. This is the latest strong-arm tactic. It sounds like you handled it well! Just don?t give them anything they can use against you! Wish you the best!

  • unbeliever

    This has happened to a friend of mine who faded away quietly. They asked her if she still considered herself to be a jw. She was able to get by like you did by asking the question with a question. They got no where and have not been back. This happened last year so who knows what plans they may have this year.....

  • kgfreeperson

    This is confusing to me. Why are they interested in hunting people down and df-ing or da-ing them. What is the advantage to the organization?

  • petespal2002

    to get the errent sheep back in the fold or else clean the books up, can't have these pesky inactive pubs hanging around forever you know.

  • JH

    Tell them that you believe that Jesus has the truth.

    Could you feel the love coming from these brothers?

  • shotgun

    He was fishing Coqui

    Elder...Do you believe this is the truth

    Coqui..Believe what is the truth

    Elder..You know the truth, is it the truth

    Coqui...That sounds like an oxymoron

    Elder...I mean our faith, our religion

    Coqui...Religion is a snare and a racket, do you put faith in religion?

    Elder..I'm asking the questions here, do you beleive the GB are faithful and discreet slave

    Coqui..which ones

    Elder..all of them

    Coqui..the dead ones too?

    Elder..Oh forget it, we sure miss you at the meetings.

  • Gopher

    This sounds like it's starting to be an annual "shepherding" drive. This happened during January thru March last year. The elders were supposed to visit the inactive JW's, supposedly to help them return to the fold. But if anyone let on that they didn't believe the Watchtower Society taught the truth, then they were became a possible subject for judicial investigation!!

    The WTS realizes that many are fading into inactivity, and that some of those faders are active members of sites like this. They think that such faders can spread a spiritual "cancer" in their hall by telling people the real deal about the Watchtower.

  • Coqui

    Yes, a year and a half ago I posted a lot and read the forums. I haven't been here for months. Now after my visit I am compelled to return to find what the pulse of the ORG or BORG is. I do appreciate all responses.

    I scare myself because with the visit the one brother I know hit my soft spot and I began to wonder although I know there ain't any looking back.

    What a F%#*@* organization. My wife and I questioned ourselves what to do, move, DA, live a secret life but for how long. NORMAL life, how? Impossible.!!!!!! Buying the Christmas tree undercover. Yesterday I threw the tree out in my back yard until the trash man comes so theDubs don't see it. My kids now have had 2 wonderful Christmas celebrations and one real birthday party with their next one coming up. Kids are 5 yrs and 1 yr.

    I tell my wife we need to be free. Greatfully we have only two other family members in the organization. If we stay living where we are we will never b truly free I now realize that one must begin a new life far away to escape the terrible judgement of these people.

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