I do believe (oh no, I believe something!) that paranormal claimants ARE asking for something under any circumstance. Belief. Validation of their experience. Nothing wrong with that. The fact that if belief and/or validation is not given many people get their belief structures in a twist is proof that they ARE asking for something and reacting to not getting it, even if what they want is intangible
Prove it Show me in this thread where someone is asking for validation of their experience. All I see is people relating experiences and saying this is what happened to me...believe it or not.
Equally there's nothing wrong with the opposite attitude, of asking questions in response to these experiences, of conjecturing, of challanging ideas validity. To say that that is wrong is to say that one can only agree or say nothing, and we all know what a bad habit was that as it's what we used to do as Dubs.
And no there is nothing wrong with asking questions or discussion. What I object to is the "your an incredulous idiot if you believe this stuff" method of critiquing. Read a few of drwtson's posts to see where a question can be asked while still showing respect for another person and their beliefs. I don't expect everyone to agree, how boring that would be. But a bit of respect goes a long way in keeping the discussion agreeable to both parties, don't you agree?
Faith in of itself harms no one? I am sure that the people sacrificed to various gods, either directly on an altar (i.e. the Aztec), or indirectly through faith-motivated wars would disagree with you... if they hadn't been killed by faith.
Extreme example? What about the UFO nuts who killed themselves? What about the countless lives being pissed against the wall in obviously futile lives predicated upon some belief? See point 9 in my original post - if someone believed, for example, in the mythos of the Lord of the Rings to an extent it interfered with their lives, I think it could be fairly said to have a damaging effect. If someone can only get the confidence they need through a reading of cards or a reading of a horoscope, if someone is scared having sex will result in death because god cares what you want to do with your genitalia, all these are damaging effects on someone's life due to faith in the paranormal.
But, most believers in the paranormal will believe that their particular set are harmless, even if they represent part of a spectrum of affectation that undeniably causes harm.
Did you miss my first sentence where you quoted me there???? "If the JW's policies didn't hurt anyone" I agree when there is tangible hurt due to a belief (shunning, denying children blood and allowing sexual abuse) then that belief should be exposed for what is is...BUT Do you see anyone being hurt by this thread? Anyone trying to sell snake oil to cure cancer? Anyone asking child sacrifice?? I don't.....it was an innocent thread about personal experiences with the paranormal. And quite interesting to boot....