After almost 5 years I spoke with my mother yesterday. I wanted to know if she wanted a copy of the picture I recieved the other day.
She was nice and polite and even asked how I was (a big surprise when she asked).
But it seems she has some heart and respiratory problems. And that got me to thinking.
Not one of her five kids is still a JW. I was the only one who ever got baptized and I am the oldest. She has one sister and one brother who are JWs. Her brother lives nearby and presumably would most likely be the fisrt one there when or after she dies. I have no idea if he would call any of us. He would call his other sister (also a JW) and I am hoping she would call me or one of my brothers. And the elders of course would be notified.
I assume that the JW family will try to take over and exclude the kids from making the funeral arrangements. Now I am assuming that her children have more legal rights in this situation. The JW siblings will insist that the religious rights come first.
But I have no desire to sit at the back and be shunned during my own mother's funeral. If they want to have their KH service I have no problems with that. But I don't want to sit through a JW infomercial about the resurrection and the need to become a JW.
So a plan is hatching in my mind. Let them do their thing. The children can have a ceremony at the funeral home. It won't be religious because none of us belong to any church. But it will be a way for us to have some closure.
So I have some questions.
- How far would you go in this situation to have things your way when a parent dies?
- As a child would you take over from the JW siblings?
- If there is a will (and I don't know if there is but there might be) would you honor her wishes for the JW infomercial and leave it at that?
- How far would you go to push through the JW siblings if they insist on the infomercial and shunning?
- Would you fight the will if the WTS gets everything and the kids get nothing?
- Would you fight the JW family if they had removed things from her home before you got there?