There are some excellent points being made here, and I'm happy to get opinions from all you parents here who have had to endure what I did as a child.
There are a lot of reasons for bringing this question up.
First, my mother quit beating me in my early teens. This caused me to ask myself, "Has she changed?".
Second, everytime me and my mother get into a conversation about my childhood, the abuse issue does arise. She told me that she may have been a little strict in the beginning, but she learned what she was doing was wrong and she changed her ways.
Third, when I was with my ex, we discussed our parents being grandparents. She said that she doubts my mother would ever do something like that to her grandchildren.
Fourth, which is most recent, me and my current fiance were discussing our parents being grandparents. She mentioned that we could leave our kids with my parents for a week while we go on holidays. I began stating my dislike to that idea when she told me that she couldn't do it with her parents; her mother doesn't like children.
This is all very difficult to deal with. My gut reaction is NEVER leave my kids unattended with my mother, but everyone seems to be putting doubts in my mind about my mother's "problem". But the pain from my own childhood is still there, as are the memories of my mother's reactions to other children with "behavior problems".