Did You Ever Think That The Demons Were After You?

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    When I was very young, I used to have terrible convulsions. Because the doctors couldn't figure out exactly why I was so ill, the congregation prayed for me to get better and the Congregation Servant advised my mother to look around the house and burn anything that might be connected to "demonism". As a child, I was told that the demons were "after me".

  • Sassy

    man.. how tramatic for a young child!

  • minimus

    Sassy----maybe that's why I'm screwed up?

  • Momofmany
    I have a question, do people who believe in demons necessarily believe in God? If they believe in God, do they believe that God is stronger than the demons and the demons can only have control over you if you invite them into your life?

    I am sorry to answer you question with a question, but I have to. Can you believe in some force in the world that is not God or Demons?

  • orangefatcat

    I as a young child I was always taunted by my mother that the devil would get me or that the black gloves visited me at night to take off my blankets . My mother had issues, for sure and I know that many of the things that troubled my mother beyond reasoning was demons. She was so involved in physic stuff, oujia boards, and esp, and stuff like that and so when our family became J W s it was a horrid ordeal. I know that as good exists so does evil, and how one handles evil is different in many ways such as in my mother's case. She believed every waking hour and daily felt the demons were attacking her and thus she would in turn terrorize us as kids. I don't know for sure , but at times it seemed like she enjoyed it and the attention she would get from others as she would tell of her dealing and fights with the demons.

    I have to say that evil has many faces. Evil is there but how you chose to handle evil is a different matter. Some people are very content no to be bothered with this topic and others would be happy to discuss this subject. And with no ill effect upon the mind they gleefully egg you on and try and make you afraid for some insane reason. I believe alot of it has to do with some sorts of mental illness. Not all cases , but some.

    Our mind is powerful and we can convince ourselves of things even if the things don't exist. Trying to understand that is difficult for some persons. Some even think that people are kooky for believing in spirits that are evil. But whatever you were taught as a child growing up in the org. you can bet your bottom dollar there are many who feel that they have been attacked by the demons only because some one planted that sugestion in their mind. Some people grab anything to explain why their lives are upside down or they are sick all the time. many believe that they are the target of the devil. And if you are a strong JW and you haven't been attacked by the demons then there is something wrong with your spirituallity. What a crock...

    Anyway this subject can go on and on and I know that many have been frightened to near death by the demons but be assured that when your parents or grandparents tell or told you stories or the society tells tales, its so that they have some sort of power over you. They are depraved individuals in all walks of life. For those who have been scared like this I can only say, that now that you are an adult you have freedom. No one can suppress you. You are in control. So please don't allow yourself to be consumed by the subject of the devil and the demons.

    Love ya all

    Orangefatcat.Orange Fat Cat 15 Circle Of Hearts

  • blondie
    Can you believe in some force in the world that is not God or Demons?

    Good question.

    I guess people can believe in a force that is not God or Demons.

    Does that mean that people can believe there are demons but no necessarily a god or creator or force for good.

    The Chinese cosmos is very different from Western views. They don't believe in a creator god but do believe in evil spirits.


  • Beans

    They caught me!

  • FlyingHighNow

    I had terrible nightmares about them where they seemed very evil and very real.

    I used to wonder after so many misfortunes befell our family all at once. Now I think all of the stress the WT put on us is to blame for most of it.


  • orangefatcat

    I feel that some person may be reluctant to say that the demons were ever after them. For the reason being, some persons would assume that they are a little wacko, a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket. I am not trying t o be a smartalic here, but just trying to express it in a way that it is non offensive. And I would certainly would not want to hurt anyones feeling.

    You can imagine sometimes listenning to peoples stories and trying to be objective. I feel that persons who have never experienced anything paranormal are more reluctant to believe this. They may think that this person has issures and needs help. Unfortunetly some have this problem.

    I know that I have never been attacked by the demons, but I have experienced uncanny feelings or an aura I didn't like. But I would hardly consider this an attack of the demons.

    Perhaps I have had these feelings because of my family situation. Perhaps it was my own fears . I think it is utterly cruel and inhumane for anyone to try and inflict there fears upon others. As some people are prone to experience the fears of others I would guess it is in the spirit of empathy that they may feel this way. As my sister asssumed she was being attacked by the demons because my mother would inflict her fear upon Debbie and I think that Debbie truly believed she was being attacket by the demons. I think that is why some people go crazy over this issue. I mean I could be wrong about it , but I don't really think that I am wrong. To me it is as if the person who suffers trys to brainwash their hearers into their trap of beliefs. Case and Point the WatchTower Society. will go on and on about this issue and before you know it everyone has had some sort of an attack, because they don't want to left out of this senerio. It could cause them to believe that they are not strong christians unless they have been inflicted and or attacked. I mean this is only my feelings on the matter.

    truly yours,

    Orangefatcat.Orange Fat Cat 15 Valentine Valentine

  • cameo-d

    Evil spirits which cause mental disturbances are mentioned in the Hebrew Scriptures. But they were not dispatched or controlled by Satan; they were sent by God to torment people:

    Judges 9:23: "Then God sent an evil spirit between Abimelech and the men of Shechem..."

    1 Kings 22:23: "...behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets..."

    1 Samuel 16:14: "But the Spirit of the LORD departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him." (KJV)

    1 Sam 18:10: "And it came to pass on the morrow, that the evil spirit from God came upon Saul..."

    1 Sam 19:9: "And the evil spirit from the LORD was upon Saul..."

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