One thing Jehovah's Witnesses do is they try to make their adherents feel afraid. Fear is a major reason to go to meetings, out in service, personal study, etc. JWs are always talking about the Great Tribulation and Armageddon. When any of us leave the organization, they quickly remind us of their concern that we might die at Armageddon........Were you afraid that God would disapprove of you somehow and kill you and your family because of not measuring up???
Were You Afraid of Dying at Armageddon?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
No matter how good a witness I was, I always figured I wasn't good enough and would die any way..
I guess in some ways that attitude though helped me quit, because I figured then there was no guessing if "A" came would I die? This way I could enjoy life and not wonder.. of course the funning thing was I learned that maybe that fear was unfounded and everything I had been taught was worthless.
Thats what binds all witnesses to the WTS, fear of dying at Armageddon. As I studied more and met more of the so-called witnesses I acquired a fear of surviving armageddon. The thought of spending eternity with some of these people was just not too appealing.
Will Power
are they afraid of other kinds of dying?
"you won't catch me dying. They'll have to kill me before I die"
- Yellowbeard speaking of the easy way out of prison.
I never figured I would die since I knew God could read my heart. I wasn't worried about how people judged me. That is probably because I dealt with the negative comments of my father that way. I never considered him to be speaking for God, thus I never worried what the people at the KH said or thought about my chances of surviving.
Interestingly enough, when I was in my teens, the CO's wife said that I should never think "if" but "when" I was in the new system. She is no longer a JW, no wonder, eh?
Yes, as long as I remained a dub I was afraid of dying at Armageddon ... 'Cuz of the feeling that I was never quite doing enough ... I was never quite "good enough"... It's part of the paralyzing fear-strategy of the cult.
Once I left the borg, I was able to shed the jw fear and heal from their bondage.
I wish the jws would open their eyes to the fear-strategy... I'm sure more members would leave and live normal healthy lives.
I figured He was going to get me one way or the other, Armageddon or old age, accident, disease or whatever. I didn't feel good enough to be saved anyway, so what difference did it make. God made me to die and I will fulfil his purpose, not too soon though, I hope.
Ken P.
Steve Lowry
Several years ago back in the early eighties I was at church one Sunday morning and I went out for a break during the service. I looked up at the sky to see a number of vapor trails, like what might be left behind some Triton missiles. For a few moments I thought that maybe this was it, nuclear holocaust and here I was in a church. I had a sense of doom come over me cuz I was in the "wrong" place and that if this were Armageddon, then I was in trouble. Well, I stood there for several minutes only to discover they were military jet vapor trails and my fears relieved. I recognized the silliness of my concerns and vowed to never again allow nonsensical JW induced fear to override my common sense again. And I never have.
I have never shared that embarrassing story with anyone. It seems so ridiculous to me now to have allowed myself to get worried like I did that morning, but this is the kind of mind control that can linger in the mind of the former JW until it is purged out.
I got your Armageddon, right here baby! LOL
Nathan Natas
When I fist disassociated almost three decades ago, I believed that I was making a conscious decision to be destroyed at Armageddon, but that I would rather "serve Jehovah" by fertilizing a clump of daisies than by submitting to the Watchtower judicial hypocrisy. I was never in any kind of panic situation - I had chosen my fate.
In Japanese martial arts, there is a teachng to the effect that only by passing beneath the sword can one save himself. I have found this to be true over and over again in many situations I've encountered. To quote the book title, "Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway."
When you really consider yourself "dead meat" you are free.