Were You Afraid of Dying at Armageddon?

by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends


    Nathan Natas wrote:

    "Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway." When you really consider yourself "dead meat" you are free.

    I read this book ... It is a great read! Just to add, I consider myself alive and well ... v-e-r-y well!!!

    Puternut wrote:

    Other religions are much the same. The teachings of hell fire and brim stone is an old tactic to have people be affraid of the one they serve. ... people who had a hard time doing personal study. They were not as literate as some of the other members. The comment from the DO on stage was: "Some of you don't like to study" .... "Do you want to die at Armageddon?"

    It is true that other religions besides the dubs use FEAR to control people. FEAR is not exclusive to the dubs. Kind of revealing to know that the dubs are much like other religions ... even though they claim they aren't ... They are known by their works, apparently ... hehehe!!!

    By the way ... your DO was a bully ... an example of using FEAR to control the masses ... yup ... he was a common bully... Spiritual abuse goin' on here ...

    Simplesally wrote:

    I thought I was dirt anyway.

    Sheesh ... low self-esteem is encouraged and enabled by this cult, isn't it?


    Yup! I figure we gotta pur-r-r-r-r-rge those old dub beliefs to live a happy normal life ... no way around it!!!

    I read somewhere that we would want to become child-like ... as in start over ...?

    I read somewhere to put on the new personality ... as in start over ...?

    Works for meeeee!!!


  • maxwell

    I was raised in the religion and I don't think I saw it as a fearsome thing at first. As I grew up, I did have some vengeful feelings about the supposed future event. As in, that bad person will be killed at Armageddon and I look forward to watching it.

    But I have to admit in my early 20's after doing a few no-no's and never sharing that with anyone I did have some fear of Armageddon. I remember at times thinking, well I should just try to do as best I can on the hope that God will forgive me without going to the elders. Then for a short time near the end of college, I planned to simply leave JW after school and have the "temporary enjoyment of sin" (something Moses wrote; don't know the exact scripture). But later I decided I'd try to serve God again. I had a dream a little over two years ago about Armageddon. I was running with some other people, apparently trying to escape Armageddon, through this bland building, and we would always just make it through these doors that would shut vertically just behind us. Sort of like doors on Star Wars ships or Star Trek ships. Finally, we didn't make through one door and resigned myself to my fate. I was not going to make it to the new system. At that point I woke up quite frightened. Shortly after that I decided I no longer believed I would make it through Armageddon. That's when I let my mind start seriously questioning whether what I believed was reality was really reality.

  • Hapgood

    I always felt that I wasn't a good enough jw now matter how hard I tried. The jw lifestyle just didn't fit me, I'm a quiet person by nature, so trying to do all that was expected of me was very hard. Then that was never enough. I just gave up, figured I was dead meat anyway so why try. That's a horrible burden to put on someone. The Watchtower is truly evil.


  • Xena

    Put me in the camp with all the others that figured they weren't good enough to make it anyway. I guess that feeling helped me get over any fear I might have had, I always pretty much figured etheral death was just my lot in life. I tried a few times to measure up....pioneering...personal study....but it never seemed to make a difference.

    Funny thing my oldest sister made it pretty clear most of the time she didn't think I measured up either, makes me wonder why she cares one way or another that I don't go to meetings anymore...either way I was gonna die, at least now I can enjoy the life I do have.

  • shamus

    Of course!

    Maybe, probably you will be saved.

    Okay, I go to five meetings a week, I try to love god with my whole heart, and they pump that scripture at us all the time for better results.

    I think that the WTBTS should get bent.

  • shera

    All the time,I never felt I was good enough and doing enough.

  • Xena

    Man would you look at all the guilt that was laid on us...all the self inducted doubt and hatred....just in this thread alone!

    And larc wonders why some of us have low self-esteem!

  • minimus

    I knew I'd make it!

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