oh growedup! you did such a good job with this letter. My mother wrote the same thing to me but I was not so smart as you to combat it as tactully nor as sly.. Good JOB!
Dropped two bombs on jw mom....
by imallgrowedup 36 Replies latest jw friends
Very, very well done! Congratulations! Just sneaked it right in there didn't ya? Way to go!
BTW, this bit of nonsense is really making the rounds. A JW "friend" sent it to me (I'm still in "good standing", at least I think I am!), and I told her not to be speculating about such things, that I checked out the website and that it was not from the UN, blah, blah, blah. I just wish I had your post at the time, then I could have snuck something in also about the UN.
I'm sure every dub with internet access has seen this and is hoping for the big A any day now!
Winston Smith :>D
Very clever
Thank you to everyone who has been so encouraging as to the content/style. I love you all for it! I do believe I am going to graze my ears on both sides of the door jamb when I try to leave the room!
I still have two questions, though.....
Do you think this is too much information for her - and - if she decides to go to the elders about the actual content, could she be told to stop associating with me because of it?
Ascot (and any others)
I just wish I had your post at the time, then I could have snuck something in also about the UN.
If it's not too late - plagerize away!!!
I don't think you could get into trouble.. you really didn't knock the WTS, only casually mentioned them...
unless of course they can figure out who you are by reading this site..
Wow, Imallgrowedup, what a great letter!!!
My dad sent me the same information... and he didn't copy and paste, so I got to see the pages of people it went through to get to him first, and it is certainly making the rounds.
I just read it and didn't even reply to it... and the next time I saw him neither of us mentioned it... but, boy, if I had seen your letter first I'd have seriously thought about stealing it and using it myself ;)
I hope you don't have any serious ramifications like you seem to think you might. You weren't openly derisive of the wtbts, just one little mention... and how can they know that little mention was 'apostate' fodder without actually looking into it?
Good luck!
I doubt anything could "happen" to you as a result of this letter. I learned of the UN affiliation through an elder's wife who, in her total and never-ending blindness, justified the WTS and their need for a library card! This was before I started to fade, but had already had plenty of doubts and was just exhausted from all the cognitive dissonance, so what she told me ended up being the second-to-last nail in the coffin as for my allegiance to the WTS (the last nail was the pedophile/SilentLambs information I gleaned from the internet).
Therefore, if the rank and file are aware of the UN affiliation (my "friend" got her info from ones she knows at Brooklyn Bethel), then what you wrote is in no way "apostate".
I hope your mom isn't as blind as my "friend".
Very impressive allgrowedup....I think that was a fantastic letter, you barely mentioned the WT NGO but covered all the bases with sound reasoning.
What you got against eggplants? I might have to take that remark to Amnesty International.
Ascot -
I doubt anything could "happen" to you as a result of this letter.
I'm not particularly worried about anything happening to me as far as the WT goes. I was never a baptised dub - only my mom and step-dad. I grew up with my dad, so was only exposed on weekends and school vacations. I am more worried that the WT is going to tell her to stay away from me, because I know my mom well enough to know that she probably printed this thing out and is probably talking to the elders as we speak. I'm worried that she is going to be told to stay away from me - and that is the last thing I want. She and my step-dad are my two very best friends in the world.
Shotgun -
What you got against eggplants? I might have to take that remark to Amnesty International.
Two answers.
1. If I told ya, I'd have to shoot ya! (Can I borrow your gun?!)
2. I'm askeerd. Make sure you give them my full name and address, 'k?!
Country Girl
Bravo, Bravo I'm allgrowedup! You sneaky little devil, you! <watches ImAllGrowedup roll in the Trojan horse> Hehhehe.
P.S. Don't say you hate a certain vegetable in Texas. It's against the law to "disparage vegetables." <snort>