Dropped two bombs on jw mom....

by imallgrowedup 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Great job, excellent tone. If Yeru thinks it is TOO SUBTLE, you know you have hit the mark!

  • imallgrowedup

    Wednesday -

    I'd probably write u back and remind u u can't believe everything on the net and we can for sure believe everything in the bible.

    I am so glad you are giving me this information! Geez! If she does come at me with this, I am going to be frustrated - especially if she tells me I can't believe everything on the Internet. Doesn't she realize that this very document was generated via the Internet? By using her own circular logic - she just told me that it can't be believed! Sheesh! Keep 'em coming, Wednesday! I need all the practice I can get!!!

    Yeru -

    I think you were too subtle on the JW/NGO thing

    I sure hope my mom sees it this way, too! Hopefully it will make her ask questions, which will mean that you are right - that I was too subtle! I figured all she could handle right now is one gun - two guns blazin' would probably fry her right now - but we shall see.....!


    Edited to add: LOL @jnat! So true!!!

  • SYN

    This really made me smile. Well done indeed!

  • Gopher
    I am more worried that the WT is going to tell her to stay away from me, because I know my mom well enough to know that she probably printed this thing out and is probably talking to the elders as we speak. I'm worried that she is going to be told to stay away from me - and that is the last thing I want.

    Hey Angelica (LOL), the horse is already out of the barn. The genie's already out of the bottle. The bombs are already dropped. If your mom values your relationship, she'll be an adult and continue to treat you like one.

    Anyhow -- WORRIES are like cars coming the opposite way toward you in the road. You could worry that each one will swerve into your lane and hit you. And you'll be a nervous wreck. Or you can calmly proceed down your lane, and just worry about any odd cars that happen to swerve your way.

    Same with worries. At least 95% of what we worry about passes right by without ever happening. When the 5% happens, you'll be better equipped to deal with it because you didn't waste energy on the 95% which you didn't need to worry about anyhow.

    Great letter, by the way!!!

  • Yerusalyim


    Are you saying I lack Tact? I guess I must concur, this is my biggest fault professionally, and I've been hauled onto the carpet more than once on this issue. I come by it honestly though...Grandma was never afraid to call a spade a spade.

  • imallgrowedup

    Goph -

    This is a great analogy! It is true - I shouldn't worry.... even though she STILL hasn't written back! I know, I know! Stop it, growedup!!!

    Yeru -

    Are you saying I lack Tact?

    The thing I like about you most is there is no gray area with you - I always know where you stand, and personally, I like it!


  • wednesday


    sen her another e-mail and chit chat and see if she sends one back, or call her and say u were worried about her b/c u had not heard from her.

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