Wednesday -
i would maybe have thought"oh my naive daughter,
Well, I guess I am naive, although (IMHO) not in this particular context! Until I read your comment, it never occurred to me that she would take it any other way but that I spoke truth and logic! Wow! I can be so full of myself sometimes! *humbly shuffling feet* Now I not only want to hear back from her just so I know she can still talk to me, but also to know if she thinks I have no idea what I am talking about! Hmmmmph! I'm glad you brought this up - it would have thrown me for a loop if she called me with this point of view, and I didn't have recovery time like I would with an e-mail. I will definitely keep my eyes open!
Ascot -
Could you act all innocent as in "well, what's the big deal about the UN and f&&king hypocritical Witchtower society?"
I probably wouldn't use those exact words... (!), but I plan on playing dumb. In fact, I tried to "dumb myself down" in the e-mail. I really think it is the only way she will listen - if she does at all.
Bebu -
I think that it's ironic that you could hijack an urban legend which the WT is using, and use it to reveal the real scandal...
As usual, I like the way you think! I wouldn't have thought of it this way. I hope she can see the the WT is spinning this, but after Wednesday's post, now I am not so sure. I just need to keep praying....!
My dad sent me the same information... and he didn't copy and paste, so I got to see the pages of people it went through to get to him first, and it is certainly making the rounds.
My e-mail of doom arrived the same way. I can not begin to tell you the self-control I had to muster up to not "accidentally" cc everyone on every single page. I didn't because I figure my mom knows most of them and would know who sent it - but that doesn't mean someone else can't - or that I couldn't send it to the people on your list.....
Speaking of, I sometimes wonder if she lurks here. I doubt it, but if she does, I guess I am SO busted!
CG -
Bravo, Bravo I'm allgrowedup! You sneaky little devil, you! <watches ImAllGrowedup roll in the Trojan horse> Hehhehe.
P.S. Don't say you hate a certain vegetable in Texas. It's against the law to "disparage vegetables." <snort>
Trojan Horse!!!! LOL!!!! (That ain't one of yer trusty steeds, is it?!)