: As far as fat being more predominant today, and related to sedentary activities, IMO I've demonstrated ample facts supporting that statement.
Yeah? Where? When you assert "more predominant today," you mean there are more per capita fat people today than say 500 years ago, or 100 years ago, or 50 years ago.
Where are those "facts" that you've so "amply" demonstrated? The only "evidence" you presented was something to the effect that "watching TV can make you fat." My argument was that in the 1930's listening to the radio for the same number of hours can also do the same thing.
In fact, ANY sedentary activity, even bird watching (if done the same number of hours as watching television) can make people get fat.
If you want to make any sort of decent argument, then be an advocate for less sedentary stuff and more exercise. But don't just blame TV. TV is only one of the many problems. How about people who spend the same number of hours on the internet? What's the difference?
But if you do become an advocate for people doing generically less sedentary stuff, you'll be stating the obvious, and people will think you the fool for doing so. However, if you don't do that and blame only TV, people will think you the fool for doing so.
Therefore, you'd better shut up and go jogging, my friend.
By the way, this thread was about boobs and we nearly hijacked it. I'm sorry for that. I think boobs are a much more noble subject than TV.
Now go jogging and get cracking! And if you must respond, make sure you bring up something about Janet Jackson's boobs, or start your own thread.
I have nothing to say about Janet Jackson's boobs, except I'm sure she's happy she has them.