French MP's ban all overt religious symbols from the classroom

by yxl1 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Atilla

    I'm sorry, but I guess I'm totally out on left field with this subject but I still think the scarf law is a good idea. The law is pretty much like a school uniform standard, except it involves religious symbols and that's when people totally freak out- oh my God-they're taking away my religious freedom. Well, I think that history shows that what we need is not more freedom of religion but freedom from religion. Yes, it would be nice if everyone could get along and wear whatever they want but how far should you go. I say let the French remain French. Having been to Paris, I have a feel for the situation that is going on there.

    Basically, from what I saw is that lower France and parts of Paris are being overun by muslims. Sure, there are feelings of xenophobia going on here, no doubt, but the French should be able to put some restrictions in place to deal with radicalism. The French government used their power to regulate the Watchtower. They didn't say the org. couldn't practice, all they said is that you have to pay taxes but the watchtower wants to hide behind religion to get a tax free ride-unacceptable-besides how else are they going to benefit society. It's not like the borg. is operating soup kitchens or anything else that would actually help people that need true help.

    It's my opinion that if any religious group has too much freedom, they will take advantage of it. They won't ever stop until they have everyone converted wether they are wearing crosses or scarfs. Atleast the French have some idea about the definition between the separation of church and state. Here, in the U.S., various religious groups have direct access to the political powers that be. The various religious groups here in the U.S. already have enough freedom but that is not enough. They want to enforce their wills and beliefs upon others by passing laws and ammendments to the constitution.

    This is why religion is so dangerous and why people need protection from religion. This is just one small law to curb in and regulate religion. This law will hardly stop people from practicing their religion but could go a long way in sending the right message about the regulation of religion.

  • Yerusalyim
    Well, I think that history shows that what we need is not more freedom of religion but freedom from religion.

    Yep, I agree, The Soviet Union, and China, and Cuba were great examples of freedom FROM religion.

  • logansrun

    I think the decision is ridiculous. Wow, I'm agreeing with Yeru -- Armageddon must be coming.


  • logansrun

    There should be both freedom from religion and for religion. It's a personal thing. Sheesh.


  • BluesBrother

    Bradley's comment reminded me. The dubs of my acquaintance are fond of telling me that this another sign of the end fast approaching. You see, the nations are taking steps to get rid of religion. It is paving the way for the all out attack on Babylon the Great. Then you had better look out!

  • logansrun

    Blues Brother,

    Of course, that is just looney. There will always be some conflict between secularism and religion. Politics has become more and more secular for the past few hundred years, especially since 1789 in the US. It's downright outrageous to believe that a few rulings from a handful of countries are the slide toward a complete, global ban on all religions. It's as stupid as people believing gay marriage is going to spell the downfall for all heterosexual couples the world over. Dumb.


  • Atilla

    As I sorta said, freedom from religion and freedom of religion is very hard to balance. Unfortunately, religion usually wins out and ends up dominating people for the worse. I kinda like China and the Soviet Union for their tough stance on religion-too bad they were ahead of their time. It was the economy of these countries that were so messed up and not necessarily their philosophical viewpoints. Maybe Western style capitalism with Soviet style religious control would be perfect for me. Although I think the name of that country is Sweden where the dubs are in decline-yes!

    Most of the world's religions today from Christianity to Islam did not truly take off until after the 2nd century C.E. Why? At that time in history you had two great empires-Rome in the West and the Han empire in the East. Both of these empires who were well advanced for their time period, fell apart due to disease-they lost 2/3 of their population. The people who were still alive were scared and to fill the void they turned to religion. It then took us about 1500 years to get back to where we had started because religion stifled things so much. I think it's kinda sad to think how far advanced we could be if it wasn't for religion dragging us down.

    So, no it not armageddon it's just history repeating itself again. No one needs religion to be a better person or a better society. In fact, I don't think the French MP law went far enough.

  • logansrun
    I kinda like China and the Soviet Union for their tough stance on religion-too bad they were ahead of their time.

    I don't think putting a gun to someone's head and forcing them to abandon religion is the moral thing to do nor very wise in promoting secularism. More likely than not such action will only inspire people to be more religious. Reason, not force, is what is necessary.


  • Atilla

    Hey, sometimes force is necessary. Necessary in Afghanistan and not necessary in Iraq, atleast it wasn't necessary when they did take action. You gotta do what you gotta do.

  • bebu
    Soviet style religious control would be perfect for me

    Soooo.... You would approve of the Gulag Archipelago??? You are either ignorant or malevolent. I hope it's only the first.

    I am sure you appreciate feeling like you are not going to be 'beaten over the head' with any particular ideology--and you are not alone! I don't think anyone likes it. But the quickest rout to your goal--crushing all ideologies (except your own, of course)--is "effective" only for the short-term; it's absolutely appalling in the long term. History is FULL of examples of this, especially modern history.

    It's hard to be patient when one is frustrated by people with power who don't share your values. It's hard to act charitably when one may "lose" power... But the best answers to hard problems can be found, creatively, with these values as guides. It works best in the long term.


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