I work with someone who is DF'ed, actually my cousin. He is trying to get reinstated. We got into a semi-heated discussion and I gave him a lot of my anti-WT viewpoints, trying to get him to think for himself. Anyway, I ran into that classic brick wall. Whenever the conversation came too close to actual objective thinking on his part, he would twist my words or answer a question I didn't ask or some other such nonsense. We just agreed to disagree and left it at that for now. Thinking about it later, I realized that he has no real moral compass of his own as he lives a life that serves to numb the higher self, IMO. Sleeps with other people's wives, drugs, drink, theft...all this and applying for reinstatement (another thread in itself). I came to regret having said anything to him, though, because without Mama spoonfeeding rules and regs to him, he would probably be even worse off or dead. Was I right to feel this way? Should I continue to show him real truth or just let him go toward the borg? Any opinions would be appreciated.
Do you think some people are better off with the borg?
by new light 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
New Light,
Yes I think some people are better off in the borg. It's like having their ears tickled. And that's just what some people need or want. Some people actually can't think for themselves, and they let the WT make their decisions for them. And IF you show them the real truth, it hurts too much, because they just don't want to hear about it. It will shatter their lives.
As far as you having some indept conversations is concerned. It's great you have a better stand now. So if he wants to hear about it, tell him. Otherwise, you'll be waisting your time. Like he is waisting his time with you. Each will have to decide what's best for them, and what gives them the most satisfaction out of life. Freedom comes at a great cost sometimes, some are willing to pay the price and some aren't
Nathan Natas
Are some people better off shipwrecked?
Are some people better off with heart disease?
Are some people better off being illiterate?
Are some people better off living in cardboard boxes with newspaper blankets?
This poor man is a zombie; a member of a mind-control cult. His understanding of reality has been twisted by his cult-masters with the effect that he is unable to think rationally for himself.
The fact is, he is NOT better off following the dictates of self-anointed impostors in Brooklyn, NY, who have made him the intellectual and spiritual equivalent of a morally shipwrecked, diseased, ignorant, and homeless person.
You may be able to help him, or you may not.
The fact is that HE is primarily responsible for the results of his decisions, not you; but he is hardly "better off" for making bad decisions and hanging his hope on a sock-puppet's promises.
Lady Lee
Sadly I think some people do better in the borg than if they left it.
My mother for example.
She grew up with terrible abuse and never being allowed to think for herself. Then she married a man who controlled every move she made. She then took up with another controller and joined the borg. She is 70 years old and has never had to think for herself. She is a capable woman and controlling in her own ways but decision-making has never been a strong point and whenever she has made her own decisions they have always turned out badly. So she now live her life with all the directions of the borg and believes she is happy. (People, who know her, see a very sad lonely and angry woman)
The little survey I put up yesterday was very enlightening because those who responded were thinkers and found living inside a box very constraining.
i still like the quote, "there are none as deaf as those that do not want to hear, and there are none as blind as those that do not want to see"
I know a man, a wonderful man, who is paralyzed from the neck down.. I wouldn't for the world take away his hope of the paradise on earth and people living in perfect health.......I hope he never sees the hypocrasy of the WTS
I think the answer is yes, reason with him but don't get heated up about it and if he gets in a heat drop it until another time. Anger shuts the mind even more.
I tend to agree with you on this point; Those that were/are living very self-destructive lifestyles are restrained. Yet, the controlling nature of the GB and their organization is also self-destructive to the individual just in a lesser way. Having said that, I'd like to see the numbers on witness suicides world wide!
Lady Lee,
"The little survey I put up yesterday was very enlightening because those who responded were thinkers and found living inside a box very constraining."
I'm pleased to say I haven't yet read any post on this site that I believe wasn't from a thinking person.
Yes!!! If that is what makes them happy, good for them. It is their choice. I would not do anything to take that away from them.
franklin J
fortunately, we live in a free country where anyone can choose whatever belief they want.....
Yes, I believe some people are " contented" ( not neccessarily better off) in a fundamentalist belief system.
Are caged birds better off living as they do, protected but never knowing the thrill of open flight?
Is it better to believe in a fantasy , even though it never comes? Will your life turn bitter at the end or pin your hopes on the ressurrection?
Perhaps there are a few sad souls for whom I would not burst the bubble, like Sassy's paralyzed man, but for nearly everyone I say NO..The trauma of realisation may be great but still everone has the right to know the truth ( or to reason it out as they see truth) and to spend the rest of their lives being alive to the reality of things