You mean, how do I help make the world a better, happier, more fulfilling, satisfying place?
Or how do I make people feel the way I want them to feel, so that then they listen to what I and others have to say, and then they'll behave the way I want them to? (i.e., not become JW's, or stop being JW's...)
If you haven't been a JW, then you haven't experienced personally how little attention we paid to the critical material - until we were ready. You can't make them ready! If they ever get there, they'll get there because they have a longing that's not being fulfilled or a hurt that won't go away and wakes them up - and they'll start looking for more. If you or I have an agenda about when others should be ready to grow...well, isn't that your or my agenda? I have relatives who are JWs... I understand how much you can want someone to leave, trust me. At the same time, they won't leave due to my agenda. The best way for me to take JWs out of the WTS is to live a happy, successful, functional, and fulfilled life without the WTS - and help others to do the same. I believe that all boats rise in a rising tide, JWs included, and that one of the reasons that JW rolls are shrinking in this country is that, on average, life keeps getting better in this country. I believe that one reason that more people are willing to listen and take in anti-WTS info is that in today's culture, people feel more likely to emotionally survive without the WTS than they did in decades past. (Not saying it's a cakewalk, and I understand that many individuals situations vary significantly... and I believe my statement is reflected in the numbers.) Our society is more supportive of emotional traumas and processes, and emotional healing, than it has ever been... and I think that may be the single largest factor in the WTS's decline in membership in the US (not neccesarily as a conscious motivation).
I also simply tend towards Mother Teresa's viewpoint of avoiding being against things.