Were You Ever Counseled For Your Attitude or Because You Didn't Measure Up?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • ScoobySnax

    what would they counsel you on Minimus man?

  • minimus

    Right now, it would probably be for internet association with known prosti----I mean "Apostates". BTW, I am OFFICIALLY as of this month INACTIVE.

  • ScoobySnax

    ....but certainly NOT inactive on here eh?

  • minimus

    I guess not.

  • kat2u

    Yes, and I took it laying down!

  • codeblue

    I was never counseled for my attitude...

    I made the proud announcement that some of the mags read so well, that I could read them cover to cover in 20 minutes...(I read very fast and was an A student in school). I was knocked down rather quick after that announcement, I was told that if I read them that fast I didn't understand what I was reading...GEEZ...You think they would be proud we actually read the stuff!!!


  • Soledad

    please. I was way too low on their list of priorities. I was completely ignored rather than counseled for anything. It would have been good to have been counseled! at least then I would know that they knew I existed!

  • Purple

    Only over everything I did or said. I couldn't move in the hall without someone running to the elders telling them what I had done. In the end they were making things up. The funny thing was that it was happening after I had done the fade away. How sad is that? They seriously need to get a life!

  • happy man
    happy man


    havbe you foreget hat yopur preaching here must count as time in you service rapport, so I dont think you are innactive, nidher am I.

  • ball.

    I got counselled several times. Once for a rumour that went round the congregation that I had drunk 5 pints. I was told that "you wouldn't drink 5 pints of tea, would you?" so you must be drinking for the effect of alcohol!!! shock - horror!

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