Were You Ever Counseled For Your Attitude or Because You Didn't Measure Up?

by minimus 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Special K
    Special K

    I had a hard time min..

    I never measured up.......

    but also.

    My freakin' dresses never "measured down" far enough. LOL


    Special K

  • Love_Truth


    I had the same experience. The way I handled it was, that even though some months I would get more than enough hours to Auxilliary pioneer, I never did so. I just held onto the hours "in the bank", so to speak, and I'd make darn sure that I always had 10 hours or more per month to report. Worked for me.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Just a side thought min.. on the "dresses not measuring up"..

    About a year after my husband and I was disfellowshipped, my hubby took me out shopping and bought me the most beautiful, bold purple suede mini-skirt you ever saw... I loved that skirt and I don't have to say that he "really" liked it too.


    Special K

  • minimus

    Funny thing.....SpecialK for some reason U always thought you were a man. Would you please put your pic on the board with mini and all?

  • itsallgoodnow

    Oh yeah, my tops were too low, my skirts too short and my pants (not inthe KH !) were too baggy or too low, I didn't have enough (any) congregation approved friends, not enough hours in service (avg 2) and skipped most meetings, R-rated movies (what crap), rap music, loud music, going to night clubs, working too much, going to college - but skipping the meetings, driving too fast... and that's just some of the stuff they knew about.

    Whoa Nelly - I'm sooooo bad!

  • RubyTuesday

    I was'nt allowed to wear anything revealing...but somehow It was my fault that boys where lusting after me.

  • minimus

    Isn't that something how you can still get blamed for other people's problems??? They blame YOU because THEY sinned and then the elders counsel BOTH of you! HA!!

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