Where were you when..........
by ScoobySnax 39 Replies latest jw friends
shit.......hit the send to quick!
Thinking of news stories that made you sit up and think "Bloody Hell!" .........2 that I remember was Diana's death and 9/11
1. Diana's death. I was on holiday in Turkey, and never got the news till the Tuesday in some far away cafe from a dodgy looking Turkish bloke, I thought it was a wind up until he showed me an English paper......It was the weirdest thing. I never knew the woman, but it seemed to hit really hard.
2. 9/11 I'd just done a night shift and came home, showered and went to bed. Next thing I remember was my sister phoning me about 2pm GMT and half hearing her voice on my ansaphone saying something about America being attacked and to put the news on...... I thought I'd imagined it, until I came to and put the tv on, even then it seemed all so unreal like I was watching a film.....awful.
I thought of this, as today Mum and Dad were saying people of their generation always remembered where they were when Kennedy was assasinated, before my time. But I well remember the above 2.
What story broke on the news that made you sit up? and where was you?
I forget when she died. The monarchy does not mean as much over here in Canada (eh). It was news, but it wasn't earth-shattering to many.
9/11 was quite another story. At first I laughed, because I didn't know what to think... until I saw the second one hit. (not live). It was too much to comprehend at the time, I guess. It wasn't funny after that, I can tell you.
Everyone was in shock at work; everyone was not working and watching television sets. It was quite incredible, really. Surreal is how I would call it.
1. Not sure where I was exactly when Diana died. But I worked in the Citicorp Center building in SF and I remember that for several weeks they had a large journal for everyone to sign with remembrances. I know it was a world recognized event and all, but I also remember thinking it rather strange at the time that something so personal was in a rather random place. Believe me the Citi building in SF is nothing like the one in NY in terms of traffic, etc.
2. I had just returned from travel abroad with a stop in NY on Friday, 9/7 for an interview on Wall Street ( I worked for a brokerage at the time). I was still jetlagged and awakening in the wee hours so I was up and watching CNN where I witnessed the whole thing unfold live. It was such a chaotic few days as I was the business continuity contact for the international division of my firm .... we were in WTC 7 and had madness for the 1st few days sorting it all out, tracking folks down, etc. It hit our industry hard and long, many of us lost friends that day .... even though our location was SF.
3. I was 3 y/o and don't remember.
1. I remember where I was when Diana died because I was driving up to NC from FL to get ready for my sister's wedding, and it was broadcast over the news on the way up. I kept thinking it was just a car wreck, I didn't know it was fatal until after I arrived.
2. I had just gotten to work and logged onto to AOL, and it had a picture of the first tower in flames, with a very small caption that read that a commercial airplane had hit it...the very brief news article that appeared when you clicked on the pic made it sound like it was an accident, which is what I believed until I turned on the news on the TV we kept in the back, and not 20 minutes later, I saw the second plane hit live. Never forget it.
1. Princess Diana: In bed asleep. My two best friends woke me up (one from England, one from Richardson) to tell me the news. While I did, as a loyal Diana admirer, watch the news all day, at that point I said "thanks for telling me" and went back to bed for a while.
2. 9-11: On my way to work. I was bored with the radio's music so I put on a CD (Ricky Martin, if you must know) and boogied on downtown. Got to my desk and found a message from Chris waiting for me. After I listened to it I called him and then went to find a TV. Everyone who was there was huddled around it. Finally at 10:00 a.m. they sent us all home. Everyone was in shock. It was really eerie driving home because there were no airplanes in the sky. I didn't realize how many there were on a regular day until there were none.
3. Damn it, Scooby, I DO remember when John Kennedy was shot! I was almost 8 years old and I remember watching the funeral on TV and feeling sorry for his kids. We lived in Anaheim, California, at that time. I remember 1968 even better. We lived in St. Croix when Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was killed, and there was talk that night that all white people on the island were going to be killed in retaliation for his death. One of our friends took his young daughters to the local ice cream parlor that night, and there was a man there who swore he'd kill the first white man he saw. It just happened to be Roger, and the man slit Roger's throat in front of his two daughters. Funny thing . . . that family moved to St. Croix because they thought Armageddon wouldn't be as bad there. Prejudice is no good any way you look at it. It pleases me that my blond, blue-eyed 7-year-old's heroes (next to Daddy, of course) are Dr. King and Rosa Parks. (You rock, Jackson!)