1. November 22, 1963, President Kennedy was shot: I had only been home with my new baby (born November 20) for one day, the firstborn. My mother had come over to help me, and had gone to get the mail and came running back. A neighbor had told her the President had been assassinated. We turned on the TV and it stayed on for days.
2. Bobby Kennedy: We had been camping over that weekend, and came home Sunday night. I turned the TV on Monday morning and wondered what they were talking about. The shock of that wasn't great, because we learned about it several days later.
3. Challenger: I was measuring hems in draperies on my dining room table, keeping an eye on the TV. I stopped to watch the actual launch of the space shuttle. I couldn't believe my eyes when it suddenly blew apart. Terrible.
4. Princess Diana's death: We had just come home from a party, on a Saturday night and turned on the TV. Across the bottom of the screen, were ticking "Princess Diana dead in Paris". That was almost as horrifying as Kennedy's death.
5. 9/11: Dave had just left for work, and had the radio on and heard it. He called me and told me to turn on the TV. That was the worst time I think...........my cousin had died a few days earlier, and we had her memorial on the 9th. Her sons were still in town, and one of them and his wife were sleeping in one of our bedrooms. They were from NY. I went to wake them. Within an hour, her whole family was in my living room. Once again, the TV was on for days. It took a long time to recover from that week. Too many tragedies for us to bear.