Convention is over! (sigh of relief)

by biblexaminer 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    As much as I hate to have to believe it, I continue to think that religion is an emotional phenomena, especially as it is practiced in cults like the Jay-Dubs.

    All the logic, all the facts, all the reason in the world will not move these people. If the entire governing body were to sign a mass confession, there are those who would reject it and continue to make excuses.

    Remember when Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's ship hit the sand back in 1988? Remember all the things they had been doing and that they made confession to? Remember? The double-booking, the waste, the fraud, the lying, the deceit, the JAIL TIME for Jim?

    I was working on a contract at the IBM Software Development Labs in Atlanta at the time, and there was a database administrator there who was a Jim and Tammy Faye BIG believer (hard to believe, I know. DB administrators are by definition very organized in their thinking, very logical, very rational). Anyway, even after Jim was found guilty and led away in CHAINS on national television, this woman was making excuses for the Bakkers; claiming it was all a big misunderstanding caused by the machinations of Satan. And she continued to send them money! I mean this woman tithed to those con artists even after all that.

    So don't worry too much about what would happen to the old folk who can't deal with the idea that the Borg is actually a buncha crooked old men. They're going to avoid that cognitive dissonance at all cost.

    And, to continue beating this dead horse, as much as I like and respect Ray Franz, when he organized a pretty large group of ex-JWs in a meeting held in Alabama back in the late eighties, they got together in their convention hall and the first order of business was to choose - I swear - a governing body!! And the folks who came reserved their seats by putting magazines over the backs of their chairs! From beginning to end it was like going to any garden variety circuit assembly. Of course the content was somewhat different, but the form was exactly the same.

    Anyway, don't sweat it for the old folk. They'll bounce back.


    My $0.02

  • patio34


    I think you're right, they would just form a new group. Isn't that what the so-called Russelites did when Rutherford pulled the coup?

    As far as how people feel, at least some of them will feel as I did--that finally there's a good reason to stop (the madness!). I felt full of doubts and disbelief for years, but felt i was wrong. Then when I was convinced it was in fact wrong, i was greatly relieved to get off that merry-go-round!


  • biblexaminer

    I too feel that when you are braindead, you're braindead. I like the statement about "if the Governing Body confessed..." etc I have said many times that if JWs saw video of the GB members involved in bestiality, they would still go on in their merry, "Alice in Winderland" course.

  • Lovingkindness

    It was the earlier WTS dates that really gave me a "wake up"call. I was shocked to learn that the WTS had believed and preached for many years earlier, that Jesus came in 1874 and the first resurrection began in 1878! As well as the fact that they had also closed the "heavenly hope, or "door" at an earlier date as well! (1881) ( They taught these things for years, while they claimed to be teaching the "truth" and that they were used by God as His mouthpiece" or "channel"! ) I reasoned that if they were so wrong before, while claiming to be God's channel and providing His food on His table, then what proof or guarantee can they furnish to us that they are correct on their latest dates and all of their teachings today? It then hit me that there was a reason why they no longer published anything Russell, or Rutherford wrote in the past, and why they didn't include any of the older publications and Zion Watchtowers, Golden Age and other earlier Watchtowers, books, Awakes, written before 1955 in the first Watchtower CD, (or any other) and it isn't soley because the "light get's brigter and brighter, either, I realized that there is allot they are trying to hide from us about their past teachings, and this is why the old literature is hard to obtain and why they don't want us to see old dates, WTS quotes, and literature. They claim that the various Bible student groups were dissolved or disappeared. (which is also not true, for I discovered that they haven't disappeared at all. ) The Bible Students have kept all of C.T. Russell's writings, (Watchtowers, books, etc) and some also have copies of the 7th volume of "studies of the Scriptures" titled; The Finished Mystery, (written in 1917) which was not written by Russell, but by the two men who Rutherford used to write it when he deliberately went totally against Russell's will and testament. The Revelation book praised that book, but anyone who reads any of it can see that it is full of non-sense, and God would never have provided it as "food" for His table. So allot of the literature is available through the Bible Students. I have an address where a person can order a CD which has all of Russell's work on it, if anyone is interested, please e-mail me and I will share the address. There is a Dawn Bible student lady who lives not very far from me, and I had her check in her own personal copy of "The Finished Mystery" the page where Woodworth (one of the men who wrote that book) spoke about how all Christians will have to battle against demons, and his description of how the demons take over the mind was just too vivid, unless he was a man who spoke from own experience. Yes, the quote I read that was taken from that book is all there, word for word, that I found at the Woodworth link I am sharing with you. So if you share this info with a JW or anyone else, I confirm that it is true that Woodworth who helped to write that book did indeed, speak as if he himself had demon problems. What is said at this link is definitely confirmed. (see )

    Just before I came across the old dates, etc., I had just read something in one of the Watchtowers, or other publication that said something that gave the impression that they (WTS) had always believed, and looked forward to Jesus' return in 1914. I then began to take notice how the Society writes in a way to give the impression of certain things, by either omission, or twisting the truth by skillful manipulation of words in a paragraph or sentence that conveys something that actually is not true. For instance, when they say that they have "always looked forward to 1914", a JW mind is thinking that they mean that they had always looked forward to Christ's return. ( because the WTS has taught us that he came in 1914, and no longer continue to teach that Armageddon was coming in that year.) The real truth, is that they had always looked forward to that year, not because they preached that Jesus was coming then, (because at that time, they believed that he had already returned in 1874) but that Armageddon was to come at that year. So you see, by use of omission, (not specifying just why they looked forward to that year) they are telling the truth, but at the same time lying, because they were trying to give a different impression, opposite from the truth. Of course, many of you here at this forum already are aware of this.
    Just sharing,


    (yes, I can remember those long, torturous 8 day assemblies where we had to sit in the sun and rain, on hard bleachers, from morning until dark during my childhood years. My parents died of old age as well as other long time JW friends of ours who patiently waited for Armageddon or the end of the 1914 generation. Goes to show how we should have taken our own advice we gave to others when we shared the Scriptures that warned us NOT TO PUT OUR TRUST IN MEN but to put our trust in God. God's own Son warned us not to try to know the "times and seasons" but to "keep ready" for it will come at a time we will not expect. ( why weren't we listeining to this?) As we all know, the WTS has even told us to ignore what Jesus said about this. ( Acts 1:7)
    (Luke 12:40 ... Psalms 146:3,5 ... Psalms 118:8 ... Proverbs 3:5-6 ... Proverbs 2:1-13)

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