What if.....

by laurelin 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • garybuss

    Laurelin, Welcome! You are referring to the "family merit" doctrine. If you research it, you will find it interesting no doubt.

    Did you ever wonder why god would pick a United States book binding business as his business corporation?

    It sounds like you still have not read Crisis Of Conscience by Ray Franz. I suggest you do so as soon as possible. GaryB

  • Narkissos


    Please remember those questions are not YOUR questions. Most of them are just plain silly, they are designed to trap minds and lives. It is a sick game, you have not decided the rules, and you are not obliged to play. Just step out of it and start thinking of your life on the basis of what YOU know, feel and desire.

    "I do not know whether he is a sinner. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see." (John 9:25)

    If there is a God such as the WT teaches, then his curse is really better than his blessing. You're going through a nightmare. I'm sure the warm light of reality will soon wake you up, and you'll be able to laugh at it.

    Take care,


  • Love_Truth

    Would God?s organization use CIA/KGB developed mind control techniques to recruit and keep the ?flock?? http://www.freeminds.org/psych/lifton.htm and http://www.apologeticsindex.org/c09a.html

    Would Jesus approve of that? Is that what Jesus taught? Didn?t Jesus teach that HE was the ONLY mediator between God and men? (1 Timothy 2:5). The Governing Body and Watch Tower Society put themselves in the place of Mediator (2 Thessalonians 2:3,4), attempting to usurp Jesus as mediator: http://www.escapefromwatchtower.com/whom.html

    The JWs also regularly go beyond what is written, the examples are far too numerous too mention here, for just a few examples- the ?organization? now teaches that one can?t be a Ministerial Servant or Elder if they had a vasectomy, they tell husbands and wives what they can and can?t do in their marriage bed, etc. Compare to Galations 1:6-9, John 5:39-44, 1 Timothy 4:1-4, 1 John 4:1-3.

    Who, then are the ?Apostates?? It is those who go beyond God?s word the Bible, the things written. Doesn?t it stand to reason that since YHWH used numerous men that he inspired to write his words over thousands of years, that YHWH would make SURE he wrote EVERYTHING that was IMPORTANT for us to know? The WTC are the Apostates, because they go beyond what is written", breaking God's LAW.

    Should you leave the Jehovah?s Witnesses, just another part of ?Babylon the Great?, keep in mind that you will still have a relationship with your creator, and his son. Don?t turn your back on the Bible because a false religion (the JWs) twisted it?s contents! That would be like throwing out the baby with the bath water.

    It is what leads to salvation that is important, not all the manufactured interpretation of Scripture to try to make it fit an organization?s pre- conceived notions. We should not turn our backs on what is important for salvation- Faith in God, service to him, faith in his Son's ransom sacrifice's power to redeem us, practicing the fruitages of the Holy Spirit, prayer, doing our utmost to avoid sin, and helping others do the same are what matter. It's all there in the NT. Want some citations? You can look these up online at http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible/ there's 17 Bible versions available there.

    Putting faith in God (YHWH), his Son, Jesus Christ, his Son's ransom sacrifice's power to redeem us, and his inspired word the Holy Bible - Hebrews 10:12, 26; 11:6; 11:1-40; John 3:16-21; Romans chapters 4, 5 & 6; Romans 10: 9-17; Acts 4:12; 10:43; Matthew 26:28; Mark 3:28-30; James 4:17; 5:15; 1 John 4:9-14;Luke 13:23,24; 1 Timothy 4:10.

    Real faith compels us to works, service to God - James 2:26; Acts 26:20; Hebrews 10: 23-25.

    Practicing the fruitages of the Holy Spirit, doing our utmost to avoid sin -Galatians 5:19-25;1 Corinthians 6: 9,10; Matthew 12:31.

    Prayer - Matthew 5:44, 6:9, 26:41; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16; Romans 12:21; Phillipians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; 1 Peter 4:7.

    There are many more scriptures that provide insight on these things necessary for salvation. Everthing else outside the scope of these things is principle, prophesy, trivia and dissertation. It's all a matter of setting priorities and importance.

    I wish you well in getting out of ?Babylon the Great?, the sooner, the better. Then you can do your research with an open mind, and help others to do the same.

    God Bless.

  • Nan


    Jesus never told us to put our faith and trust in an organization........but to simply follow HIM. That's the Gospel. The Lord LOVES you and has a wonderful plan for your life. Put your hand in His......


  • HadEnuf

    Hi Laurelin...here is what I try to put my mind on when a flicker of guilt crosses my mind. I think to myself, self, what if you had been raised a Catholic, Lutheran, Buddhist, Mormon, on and on, etc. What you would have been taught as you were raised in that religion would be your "truth". Just because it is YOUR "truth"...does not necessarily make it true. Hmmmmmmmm...yes I know. This is rather hard to follow. What I am getting at is that what you have been taught (through mind control tactics) is only your "truth" for as long as you stay in the organization. If you had been raised in a different religion or even as an atheist that would also be your personal "truth" for as long as you stayed in that organization.

    I believe that every person is entitled to their own "truth". When I found that what the JW's were teaching were simply "commands of men" and that they were hypocrites to boot...what they taught as the one and only "truth" was not longer true to me. Think of yourself as a person of another faith and then look at the JW's objectively...try not to let the subtle thought reform tactics of those still enslaved by the JW's change what now is your own "truth". Even if it is someone you dearly love and respect; as is your mother.

    Okay...now that you are thoroughly confused I will just wish you luck (ooooohhhhh, dirty word for JW's) in finding your own "truth".

    And that's the Truth, the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. Cathy L.

  • Dansk

    Hi and Welcome Laurelin,

    I'm in Manchester.

    The majority of people here have an horrendous story to tell about Watchtower because we were duped. Here's mine:


    The more I think about Watchtower, far from being a Christian organisation, the more I liken it to Nazism. Think about it, the Watchtower inculcates in its followers that IT alone is the true (or master) religion; billions will die at Armageddon, children included, because they aren't Jehovah's Witnesses or the children thereof; and the organisation gets children to spy on parents and parents to spy on children. My two daughters reported their mother, two brothers and I.

    Do you honestly believe an Almighty God - the God of Love - would bless such a lying, hypocritical, murdering, greedy, self-righteous, uncaring, unsympathetic, depression and suicide-inducing organisation such as this? How much more evidence do you require?

    FEAR is Watchtower's strongest weapon. Break that fear and you're free forever. You'll never be free if you ask "What if....?"


  • laurelin

    Thank you all so much for your replys. There is a lot of information that I need to read through and then read through again here.

    I'm at a point where so much of my time is spent worrying over the decision I'm going to make. I find things about the religion that startle me... Jehovah living on a star!? Russell and his pyramid et al. But then I sat down and read the Green book, (sorry, the name escapes me but it about the organisation.) and it does state that they had things wrong to start with ( although specifics isn't mentioned) but things are still changing. The other day my brother (who is a devote JW, very intelligent) showed me a Question from readers that appears to say Voting is now a conscience matter! I can't understand the shift on things that when I was younger was a very serious thing and could get you kicked out.

    Like it was frowned on if you furthered your education by carrying on at school. I clearly remember one CO visit and my parents had them round for dinner. I must have been about 13 and he asked me what I was going to do when I left secondary school. I replied that I wanted to go onto sixth form and continue my education. The silence was legendary! My dad, bless him, would have defended me before the devil if need be and he stuck up for me. But I can clearly remember the look on the Co's face... sort of a "Well you're not a very good christian are you." but all this had changed in recent years and I feel... cheated somehow.

    My father died about 6 years ago now and since then it's really hit home. Before that I was so convinced that he'd see Armagedon ( he had been ill for most of my life) and I'd be fairly young too. Then the 1914 business changed, and the little statements about it being "before the end of the 20th centuary" and here we are four years in the 21st..

    I guess I'm so confused at the moment that I don't know if I'm coming or going.

    Probably going if they ever get wind that I'm posting here! Which brings me to another thing... I now realise why they say don't talk to Apostates (and please, I'm not trying to offend anyone here by labelling you.. just that's how they would view this site.). The little doubts that you can shove to the "leave it to Jehovah" side become whopping great mountains that Hillary would balk at when you read sites like these! But it's all true! NGO's, 1914, Alcyone, changing their views and literature, they are all valid points that appear to be being hidden from us. (Does that make sense? I wrote it and it doesn't sound right to me. I never did get to sixth form and it shows too!)

    One of the things that does niggle me though, if this isn't God's organisation which one is? And what about the preaching work that Jesus entrusted to his disciples before he ascended to heaven? What other religion does this as well organised and on such a world wide scale? And just how do they keep going if they don't have God's backing? They are attacked so much in so many different countries that surely if they weren't being bolstered by God they'd have crumbled by now. And financialy how do they manage? We've been on a really tight budget now for years, and I honestly can't remember the last time we contributed for our watchtowers and awakes, surely we can't be the only ones that can't afford to pay for the books etc that we get.

    Another thing that's just started happening to me... I do ramble, sorry! People in the cong, up to the last month couldn't care less if I was at a meeting or not, but this past month so many people have actually starting talking to me and even asking us round, trying to work with me (I haven't been out for four months now) and now, my husband has informed me that two elders will be coming round to see me.

    I could do with a bit of help there as I need to get my thoughts together so that I don't ramble too much... Oh lordy I do need help there!

    I'm going to go back over and re-read the posts. I only started this reply to say thank you to everyone!


    Please excuse many and varied spelling mistakes.

  • Richie


    Just buy the book "The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society" Then you will discover that the Society has absolutely NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD!

    Richie :*)

  • Brummie


    One of the things that does niggle me though, if this isn't God's organisation which one is? And what about the preaching work that Jesus entrusted to his disciples before he ascended to heaven? What other religion does this as well organised and on such a world wide scale? And just how do they keep going if they don't have God's backing? They are attacked so much in so many different countries that surely if they weren't being bolstered by God they'd have crumbled by now. And financialy how do they manage? We've been on a really tight budget now for years, and I honestly can't remember the last time we contributed for our watchtowers and awakes, surely we can't be the only ones that can't afford to pay for the books etc that we get.

    I would highly recommend Ray Franz book "In search of Christian freedom", he addresses all of the above questions, I asked the same ones as you and found answers myself but then I got a copy of this book and the questions were answered par excellence!

  • Scully

    Laurelin writes:

    if this isn't God's organisation which one is?

    Even if there is an organization that God claims as his own, the scriptures are pretty definite that it isn't by virtue of being part of an organization that guarantees salvation:

    Romans 14:12 NWT
    So, then, each of us will render an account for himself to God.

    In the final analysis, it doesn't matter that a person is a JW or a Catholic or Mormon or anything else, because we all stand alone before "God's Throne" when we render our account to him. What kinds of things do you suppose are going to be more important at that point in time?

    Whether we went to the KH for all the meetings and in service for 2-4 hours a week? Or whether we went out of our way to help someone in need without having to be asked?

    Whether we pioneered for 20 years and knocked on doors fruitlessly all our life? Or whether we discovered, developed and used our God-given gifts and talents to become the best person we can be?

    Whether we made this world a better place for ourselves, our children and our neighbours? or whether we made lunch for the Circuit Overseer and his wife every six months?

    What it boils down to is whether we are cheating ourselves out of the life we could have now, for a possibly false hope of living forever in paradise. Do you want to cheat yourself (and consequently your daughter) out of a good fulfilling life NOW, for an intangible promise that has no guarantees attached to it?

    Love, Scully

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