Did you love it? Were you in awe of it? Were you a true believer??
Looking Back, How Did You Really Feel About "The Truth"?
by minimus 37 Replies latest jw friends
I was a "true believer". I would have done anything that they said. I would have shunned my family, lived in a hole... SERIOUSLY.
I turned in "wrongdoers", I did everything that Jehover said I should... er I mean the Watchtower Corporation (tm).
Looking back, I feel stupid.
I had a sense of awe for 3 days out of the year (or 4 when I was younger). And then as soon as the convention was over and back to the routine at the home congregation, I'd just go along with everyone else until I woke up and realized I had a mind of my own.
I was never a true believer. Just good at pretending to be one.
Fully indoctrinated from birth. Never doubted a word of it. I had a lot of questions about things that didnt make sense to me but I blamed myself for not studying enough, praying enough, paying enough attention ect.
Yep, that was me -- a true believer. I believed it, lived it, preached it. My first doubts came when I saw Big Tex being treated like trash, and they multiplied like rabbits after that.
Yes I was wholehearted, climbed the spiritual ladder, and was admired by many. Then the WT started to publish things that didn't set well with me. Kept it to myself, teached what they taught, and spoonfed others. The generation change, was confusing, the blood issue was rediculous, and started doubting, until there was a mishandeling of an abuse case. That sent me on a downhil spiral and open my eyes.
Needless to say it was an experience that I will never forget. Now I can think for myself again.
yes, yes, and yes
But when I left, it was instant and immediate. My disillusionment was complete and devastating. It was over. Kinda like when you find out a lover is untrue - no going back.
Because I was raised in the "truth", I believed this was the ONLY TRUE religion. But I always read opposing literature. As a pre-teen, I would go to the library and read anything that was related to Jehovah's Witnesses. I wanted to know every argument that opposers had against us. I believe, though, that this was the beginning of opening my mind to negative things about the Witnesses. Many years ago I bought Crisis of Conscience as well as other "apostae" books. It was the best thing I could've done. In the back of my mind I always questioned certain things but HOPED that I just didn't understand. I WANTED to believe this HAD to be the truth but as time would prove, it really wasn't.
I just thought it was an annoyance, but "cramped and narrow is the road" right ;)
Yes, we just tried to justify our thinking because it really was an annoying way of life.