JC... just a word of caution: I'm afraid your whole theory is soluble in linguistics. Beware!
Jewish Passover Starts evening 4/5, WTS 4/4, why the difference?
by blondie 15 Replies latest watchtower bible
Blondie... the WTS' answer is in w77 6/15 383 and w90 2/15 13
Thanks Euph. I am still going to observe it Monday evening. I might even go to a synagogue that night.
JC, it sounds like your explanatioin may be the same as that of Joseph Malik. However, due to brain drain, I can't say I am following/understanding either of your descriptions, though I believe there IS truth in there somewhere! ;-) Here is Joseph's site/page about this same subject: http://home.earthlink.net/~jmalik/ch9notes.txt
Are you saying Jesus/disciples had the evening meal one week, and he was crucified/died/rose from the dead a week later? I "think" that's what the bottom line is.
Now, what I really want to know is: Please translate for me all those week-long Nisan dates to the here and now in March/April 2004... with a short one-line description next to each date. Anybody up for the task? :-/
Also, where does "Christendom" get their Good Friday/Easter dates from (I forget), "Easter" this year being 4/11/04. (BTW and FWIW, some 'religions' or churches are now referring to easter as "Resurrection Day" since they are finally catching on that easter is a word of pagan origin. I thought that was quite well of them to notice, finally. ;-)
And blondie's idea of going to a synogogue is something I have considered several times; more specifically though, hooking up with a group of "Messianic Jews" to worship/study with on a regular basis, rather than a regular 'christian church' (it's either that or a 'black church' 'cuz those people can SING! Love it!) Seriously, for several reasons I've thought I might be more comfortable 'starting over' by stepping my toes in a group of Messianic Jews, church-wise that is.
It's a thought in progress...
abbagail -
The problem with this JW explanation (and that's NOT the one given to me) is that Jews begin counting the month from the New Moon, not the Full Moon. 14 Nisan is always 14 Nisan. 14 Nisan is when the lamb is slaughtered...15 Nisan (meaning 14 Nisan + sundown) is when the passover is eaten. Plain and simple the Society has it jacked up. For their theory to be right they should have slaughtered the lamb on 13 Nisan.
I've heard the technical explanations all my life, but really what it boils down to is an additional delineation between JWs and "everyone else" that allows them that feeling of superiority for "having it right." Never mind that it may not be correct, they still have enough indoctrination to see it as one more example of "Jehovah's blessing by giving them the Truth."