I visited my mother yesterday and asked her if she had the latest magazines. I believe the March 15th's lead study article is the ne that states that ALL JWs are supposed to be evangelizers. Before my mother and I discussed the article, I asked her if ALL JWs were supposed to be evangelizers. She said, "Yes. and the new Watchtower says that too". I asked her if that was a scriptural position and she said, "ABSOLUTELY". I then got her Bible and read the scripture in Eph.4:11 that says, And he gave SOME as apostles, SOME as prophets, SOME as evangelizers, SOME as shepherds and teachers".......She then got irritated with me and said I was simply using one scripture and ignoring all the rest and that she couldn't reason with me.
ALL JWs Are To Be Evangelizers---Per The New Watchtower
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
They've always said that, one way or another. I've heard it said on numerous occasions that if you(a JW) aren't witnessing both door to door and informally, then you aren't a Witness. And we all know what happens to all non-JWs at the big A.
That is a great scripture to use though. Those so-called Bible experts hate it when you one up em on taking scriptures out of context, ahahahaha.
Damnit! Stop confusing the JWs with facts!
Actually, min, the WTS applies that scripture to the elders. Based on that they should be the evangelizers. Where are the apostles and the prophets in the congregation today? And why should women be evangelizers but not be allowed to be teachers in the congregation?
Did you notice that evangeliz* does not appear very often in the NT? Hmmmmmmmmm?
In the JW world, it is the women who do the bulk of the "evangelizing" while the elders/men drive off to do "shepherding."
I do think that the WTS is trying to drop kick the elders into the preaching work. Not that the GB and other Bethelites are stellar examples.
This WT. was emphasizing how EVERYONE should be evangelizers.
Right, min. But read between the lines. "Elders, this means you too." If it is the one I'm thinking of, it has a part were the Book Study Overseer is strongly encouraged to go out with his group. Haven't heard that for years. Nor seen it done. The sheep are scattering because the shepherds are not leading them.
the Book Study Overseer is strongly encouraged to go out with his group.
Yes, and THAT'S about all many of them do.
Most are good at giving out territory, then disappearing "just to check on how the brothers round the corner are doing."
Like an idiot, I used to do about ten doors to every elder's one! WHO HERE KNOWS ABOUT THE PIONEER PLOD? I think that these elders invented it - the MOST number of hours for the LEAST number of doors.
Ah, yes!!! The old Clergy-Laity Distinction doctrine. Being a JW can really make you appreciate the Laity job.
A new wrinkle was added seven or eight years ago, about the time people started carrying cell phones with them. An elder I knew would "lead" the group out into the field and then, as the door work began, his cell phone would go off. He'd get a concerned look on his face, walk a few steps away from the group, and speak into the phone in hushed tones. Then he'd walk over and ask one of the MS's to "take over for me." There was some congregation problem or publisher emergency that required his immediate attention and he had to leave. He worked this one at least once a month, and more often if he forgot you were part of his group last weekend. Of course, no one could ask for details; confidentiality, you know.
I was raised that if you were not a Doorknocker, then you aint a real witness!!!!