The Truth About Christianity - Give your views

by Sirona 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Sirona

    Ex- Jehovahs Witnesses often reject Christianity based on what they were taught by the WTS. When I left JWs it was difficult for me to see what Christianity was all about - the non-JW version. Every time I picked up a bible, I could see the Watchtower interpretation jumping out at me.

    In order to help those leaving the JWs to understand Christianity, I'd like to invite Christians on this board to post what they believe. What is the truth about Christianity? I hope this can be an open discussion - religion bashing isn't welcome in this thread.

    Hopefully it will help us all to distinguish between JWism and Christianity as a whole.


  • Love_Truth


    This sums up what I have come to believe quite well:

    We must start with the Law of Love, then add to that those other things (all summed up in that law, but fully expounded on elsewhere) as follows:

    Putting faith in God (YHWH), his Son, Jesus Christ, his Son's ransom sacrifice's power to redeem us, and his inspired word the Holy Bible - Hebrews 10:12, 26; 11:6; 11:1-40; John 3:16-21; Romans chapters 4, 5 & 6; Romans 10: 9-17; Acts 4:12; 10:43; Matthew 26:28; Mark 3:28-30; James 4:17; 5:15; 1 John 4:9-14;Luke 13:23,24; 1 Timothy 4:10.

    Real faith compels us to works, service to God - James 2:26; Acts 26:20; Hebrews 10: 23-25.

    Practicing the fruitages of the Holy Spirit, doing our utmost to avoid sin -Galatians 5:19-25;1 Corinthians 6: 9,10; Matthew 12:31.

    Prayer - Matthew 5:44, 6:9, 26:41; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16; Romans 12:21; Phillipians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; 1 Peter 4:7.

    If one starts out studying the New Testament with the express intent of examining each statement as to wheter it is a Law/Rule that MUST be obeyed for salvation, versus a principle/suggestion.admonition, etc, versus chronology, prophesy, etc, one finds that the ?core beliefs? are those necessary for each individuals salvation, while most of Scripture is for other purposes, and should be treatted accordingly.

    The WTC, starting with Rutherford, became Apostate when they began (as all man-made religions eventually do) on the path towards making their interpretations of principle, suggestion, admonition, chronology, prophesy, etc into LAW, and equating these man made laws and traditions with GOD?s laws. THIS is APOSTACY.

    I choose to believe that all Scripture as inspired of God. To me, belief that the Bible is God?s word is central to my conclusions::

    1)- If it is wholly not God?s word, why read it, for other than entertainment and curiousity? You surely won?t gain salvation by it, if you believe so. But what if it IS God?s word? You?ve ignored his guidebook, and have no one to blame but yourself.

    2)- If it is not wholly God?s word, even if you believe parts of it are inspired, your choice of what is and is not inspired puts you, and everyone who believes such, in the unenviable position of having to uniquely discern what parts to believe. The logical conclusion of this path leads to infinite possible combinations, so what is the point of the Bible, then? To confuse us? That just doesn?t make sense.

    3)- If it IS wholly God?s word, then we are blessed to have it, and believe it, and learn from it. This of course, takes faith.

    While it is impossible to prove any of the above viewpoints, each of us must pick one as the foundation of our research, and hence, what we place our faith in. If Jesus? words were true, that we should build on Rock, rather than Sand, then my choice will always be the above number 3. Belief that the entire Bible is the inspired word of God is the Framework within which I do do my research, and always will be.

    I see far too many flaws with looking to outside sources to shed light on God?s word.

    How far the Jehovah's Witnesses have come from this view! God judges the heart ( Hebrews 4:12 ), not whether one thinks the "right thoughts" in doctrinal matters of belief.

    In the end, God will judge each of us as individuals (Phillipians 2:12-18), not as part of a ?religion?, ?group?, ?organization?, etc. Far too many hide behind the mask of their religion?s beliefs, letting THEM decide what is right and wrong, what is necessary for salvation, etc. It takes personal study, research, and the ensuing Love, Faith, and other Fruitages, along with the aforementioned Scriptural practices, to gain salvation.

    That is why, IMO, Jesus spoke these words in Matthew 7:13,14: ?You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.

    That frames my beliefs quite well.

  • talesin

    practicing Christians, imho, live by JC's words

    'do unto others, as you would have them do unto you'

    If I recall correctly, the "Golden Rule".

    although I hold to no particular belief system myself, I respect those Christians who live by these words of JC.



  • pc

    My views are the same as Love Truth. I think it's clear from reading the bible it is by faith in the word of God that you gain life. You do not need to be with an organized religion. It's great to study and engage in conversations with others, but not required. If you believe the bible is from God and really read it and pray for understanding that's all you need. PC

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Christianity....just another mythology

    I prefer Greek Mythology, far more interesting

  • logansrun

    Damn. I'm going to start quoting from the Baghavad-Gita. Then all of you will see the light and convert to Hinduism.

  • Love_Truth


    Reading comprehension problems are rampant on this board, eh?

    I'd like to invite Christians on this board to post what they believe....I hope this can be an open discussion - religion bashing isn't welcome in this thread.

  • ThiChi

    I agree with Ray Franz: Christianity itself is the true faith, not any one religion.

  • hooberus
    In order to help those leaving the JWs to understand Christianity, I'd like to invite Christians on this board to post what they believe. What is the truth about Christianity?

    Evangelical Christians such as myself believe in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We believe that the scriptures teach a different Jesus Christ than the Watchtower teaches. I would strongly recommend that a JW who wishes to understand what we believe should do the following:

    1. Re-evaluate the continuing humanity of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is still human (I have started several threads on this subject lately).

    2. Once this is done, evaluate what we really teach as to the deity of Jesus Christ and his relationship to the Father, as opposed to Watchtower distortions of what we believe. Thare are several works written specifically to respond to the claims of the Watchtower in these areas. Though the witness may not accept our beliefs these works will at least help them to understand them.

  • galaxy7

    Love_Truth said it better than I could

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