yesterday heard a story from the North of England about a family all in good standing (!) where the father has been having an incestuous relationship with his teenage daughter and she has had his baby! the mother and another daughter have attempted suicide yet the entire family all still serve in the same cong.
What's The Worst Scandal You Know Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
Calebs Airplane
Frederick Franz' weekly naked book study with "select" bethelites...
new hope and happiness
Finding out its a " criminal organisation" .....but i have woken up to religion in geneal and it seems to me for the most part all religion is under the same blanket, existing under " false" pretencies and so " obtaining" money under " false" pretencies. I label that a criminal organisation.
CA! what an endearing image !
A young 'brother' I was friendly with many years ago became involved in wife swapping all were JWs. My own younger sister was inappropriately abused by a brother of vary good standing . A so called ' brother' from a jw family is currently in prison for murder and willful kidnapping and torture. My own sister has witnessed inappropriate behaviour between the father and daughter of this same family and reported it to the elders, she stopped attending this cong' as a result.. My freinds wifes father a JW was revealed to be a paedophile abusing his son and daughters for many years. ALL these instances involving 3 cong's within about20 mile radius.
I knew of no wife swapping. I heard it happened in the 70s and 80s in Ohio.
How about: The worst scandal we are about to do...
Gypsy Sam
Wow, freddo. Michael porter pled guilty to 24 counts and the judge opted not to jail him. Mind boggling.
new hope and happiness
I guess i hoped the worst scandel for my congreagion, was my own personal scandel of leaving the organisation....sadly it seems to have passed without interest....
new hope and happiness
If you want to read about a real scandel Puternet was the second poster on this the tragic story of his demise unfold...just log on to Puternet..sadly it ends in suicide...the scandel is its not a scandel in the J. W world...its not them its us...ugggg