Pulling back the pretentious white sheet covering over the JWS is shocking at times to say the least.
What's The Worst Scandal You Know Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
Aunt Fancy
We had a couple we loved to travel with I will call Ron & Jen they in turn had a couple they hung with i will call Dan & Tammy. We did not care for Dan & Tammy because Dan screwed people when he did work for them and he was just a creep. Well Jen kept talking about Dan and I told her she needed to be careful and one night Ron came over to let us know that they were getting a divorce because Jen had an afair with Dan. Jen & Dan got married and DF'd and shortly after Ron and Tammy got married but neither of them were DF's. It was a huge scandle in this area. Jen & Dan were reinstated and he is now a MS which I don't get because he is still screwing his clients in business and he hasn't paid income taxes in 30 years! The funny thing is Ron & Tammy got a divorce and they each bought a home then turned around and got married to each other again!! Crazy!