Is the Mark Palo thing legit? I guess there is really no way to know or verify.
What's The Worst Scandal You Know Regarding Jehovah's Witnesses?
by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends
In the late 90's in a Spanish congregation in Southern California a Presiding Overseer had a nice family, wife & 2 girls.
They adopt another girl in her teens age 15. Lo and behold she suddenly gets pregnant and the P.O. tells the elders that she was raped by her doctor. Since she was a minor, the P.O. did not allow the elders to meet with her to question her about her "rape". The elders being puppets went along with the story and the matter was dropped. No judicial action was taken because she was "raped". Well the baby was born and it turns out she looks alot like his 2 other biological daughters...that was a great coincidence! The Congregation and the whole circuit start to talk.
Two new elders moved in to the congregation and tried to start an investigation into the matter but the teenage girl and the P.O. stuck to their stories that she was raped. One elder adamantly wanted a DNA test to be done to confirm that the baby was not the P.O.'s. The P.O. said it wasn't necessary and the rest of the body of elders backed him up. Since there were no 2 witnesses to their fornication and no confession, the matter was dropped again. The C.O. told the 2 elders to "wait on Jehovah" and that Jesus has the stars (or elders) in his right hand and was guiding them.
The 2 elders then started to be harrassed by the P.O. and his elder buddies for "running ahead and making false accusations". These elders moved and lost their privileges because the letters of presentation by the P.O. and his buddies did not recommend them. This shows how the WT really doesn't give a crap about doing the right thing if their authority is being attacked.
About a year later, the teenage girl finally confessed to the C.O. and both her and the P.O. were DF. The P.O. beat her up for confessing by the way.
The P.O.'s wife divorced him and the teenage girl and the elder ended up getting married! The affair was going on for several years. The elders did NOT call police to report this statutory rape as that would bring reproach on Jehovah's name.
Doing the right thing according to the Watchtower is going along with those in authority instead of following the Bible and your conscience.
W.H. Conley
The sentence provoked a fierce reaction from Porter's sister, who said the "ludicrous" punishment was an insult to his victims.
Tina Hughes, 40, said: "I'm absolutely disgusted. I'm very, very angry. I think the judge was absolutely pathetic. He just took my brother's side completely and believed that all he needed was a bit more therapy and now realised he had done wrong.
"He blamed his childhood for the attacks, which was a lie, but the judge ate it all up. I just broke down in tears when the judge said he wasn't going to jail. The whole courtroom went quiet. No one could believe it.
"I can't believe the judge thinks he is safe to be allowed out on the streets. He won't stop. There's no justice for the victims. No closure. He had no right to leave that courtroom.
"He has a lovely life. He has a religion standing by him. He has lost nothing. He's just not human. He's an evil monster. He can't have a soul.
"He was in a very high position. Children loved him and parents worshipped him. They thought he was God's son on earth. He was the last man they would ever suspect of doing something so horrific. He abused dozens of children and even a baby. But he's still free."
Porter was a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses in Portishead and Clevedon. He left the family home in Clevedon and moved to Mill Hill in London in 2000 after his mother died. Porter, who was supported in court by his wife, Joanne, confessed after one of his victims threatened to go to the police.
The church said yesterday it would support him. But it denied claims by Porter's sister that he would continue to come into contact with children through his religion and visit families.
Pete Zahut
Two mid twenty's couples in our KH were good friends until it was discovered that the husband of couple #1managed to set up a hidden video camera in the bathroom of couple #2 and had been secretly video taping the wife of couple #2.
All hell broke loose when couple #2 eventually discovered the camera. Both of these couples were from families with Elders for Fathers. The Elderette mother of the girl who was video taped, was out for blood. People took sides, people left the congregation, people were removed, relatives of the family left the truth entiely. Couple #2 got divorced. The Husband of couple #1 got DF'd and he and his wife moved away for a few years. They are back now and are still together. The damage that was done to everyone else is still in effect. I can't beleive this guy has the nerve to show up at the same hall. The first time I saw him after they came back was when he walked up the asile at the assembly hall during the meeting as if he hadn't a care in the world.
Sheesh what a pot full of corruption, that PO thought he could get away with having sex with that young teenage
girl by using his position and power within the congregation. The excuse he came up with was a bit lame
though, girl gets raped at a doctors office and nothing happens ???
What a creep to do something like that to an adopted child whose probably looking for love and acceptance
with this arranged family. Glad his wife had the brains to divorce the A-hole, he still should of been
charged with having sex with a minor even more so since he was granted adoption rights.
Sick bastard.
The Sister who is working on her eight wedding was married to a brother who came from Bethel. I don't know if it was his actions that hurt little Katie, she said he was out in field service getting 120 hours a month. What he finally said after having sex with the Brides Maid on the Wedding Day was, I have not been faithful to you. She forgave her husband until a few months later he was getting phone calls from all his female studies. In San Fransisco he was a popular Bible Conductor with lots of Gay Huggy Bears, not only was he having sex with women he was having sex with a Black Book of Men. Fresh out of Bethel, I believe the atmosphere at Bethel create's a very screwed up view of sex and women.
Why are the Bethelites I know either homosexuals, Swingers, Pedophiles or dating transexuals? Why would serving at the "Spiritual Paradise" that Tony Morris demand's "All JWs must visit or answer to his God Joke-hova (Not Jehovah God or Jesus Christ the true God, the Father of my Saviour Jesus Christ) create Frankenstein JWs? Not all Bethelites are thrashed I know because we have many who visit this website and seem to live as normal of a life as they can after falling for the Long Con. Maybe the "sample" of the Population of Bethel I have met is distorted, the Bethelites I know are not nice people if they are not sex fiends, they try to play the prince over the other brothers claiming they were at Spiritual Mecca and deserve all honor and praise the brothers give them.
Little Katie has had 20 sexual partners since getting divorced from her twisted Bethelite Husband. How long is her latest marriage going to last, her first marriage was in 1990, if you can pick how long her marriage is going to last (she stold her husband from a stupid sister who got pregnant trying to keep her husband, the wife thought it was a sure-fire way of keeping him away from Little Katie.) The sister who lost her husband is not only pregnant, she has gone off the deep end and little Katie's Elder father is still having contact with her and blames everyone but Little Katie.
If you pick how long Little Katie lasts with her husband, you win a prize!
you can really feel the holy spirit working --cant you ?
This thread makes me feel like i'm going to vomit. I don't need that.
Governing Body members Chitty & Greenlees being closet homosexuals is a high ranking JW scandal, especially in light of the molestation accusations against Greenlees.