Question for Dubs

by Farkel 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jst2laws

    Hey Farkel,

    It is really good to have you back, and you drew out another icon among exJW's, AlanF. I love to see threads like this along with the great support and social threads common here.

    But regarding the WT teaching of Babylon's fall, let me try to be the devils advocate. I thought that the WT teaching was that it 'has fallen' meaning her fall BEGAN in 1918 but the fall does not END until a form of fatal impact which is completed at her END which is actually the BEGINNING of the END, the START of Armageddon. I could be wrong but I doubt it because it really is a simple teaching.


  • FirstInLine


    I was being satirical

  • TheOldHippie

    The Evidence for The Spiritual Fall is/was that the Judge & Co. were released in 1919 - Babylon The Great did not have a hold on them any more, had to letthem go, did not manage to keep them locked in.

    But "originally", Babylon fell in 1799 - and in 1878 .......... Changed to 1919 ........ Any day now .......

  • Gopher
    The Evidence for The Spiritual Fall is/was that the Judge & Co. were released in 1919 - Babylon The Great did not have a hold on them any more, had to letthem go, did not manage to keep them locked in.

    That's the reasoning I remembered, too. The parallel was.. that when the Jews were released from ancient Babylon in 539 BCE (or whatever the year was), that the Medes and Persians came in and took over the city -- but the city was not destroyed, but gradually was abandoned after several centuries.

    Of course -- this is all predicated upon "Babylon the Great" really being the world empire of religion -- which of course makes sense to JW's but probably not to anyone else.

  • Satanus

    It was a fall from god's favor. That would mean that babylon the grape, especially the catholic church had god's favor up to it's falling into disfavor.


  • ozziepost
    I thought that the WT teaching was that it 'has fallen' meaning her fall BEGAN in 1918 but the fall does not END until a form of fatal impact which is completed at her END which is actually the BEGINNING of the END, the START of Armageddon. I could be wrong but I doubt it because it really is a simple teaching.

    You're correct, Steve.

  • Maverick

    Alan F quote was very interesting. It reminded me of the account where Satan said that they positively would not die! So when they did die Satan came back with, " Only the body died, their souls live on, you just can't see it!" Satan is the guy the WTS borrows a lot of stuff from. Maverick

  • donkey

    Dear Brother Simon,

    Please convene a disfellowshipping committee and delete the character known as Farkel from your discussion forum. This person is undermining faith in our teachings with his posting privileges.

    Your brothers in Christ,
    Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, Walkill

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    thought that the WT teaching was that it 'has fallen' meaning her fall BEGAN in 1918 but the fall does not END until a form of fatal impact which is completed at her END which is actually the BEGINNING of the END, the START of Armageddon

    Me too. It's been a long time, and I'm rusty, but I also thought that the fall of Babylon the Great was not the start of Armageddon but the start of the Great Tribulation, which preceded Armageddon. The Great Tribulation was supposed to be when the preaching changed to one of announcing that JWs are the only religion left after the Wild Beast aka the UN turned on them and destroyed all religion.

  • garybuss
    meaning her fall BEGAN in 1918

    She has a parachute?

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