I was born into it. When I got baptized at 8 (or 9?) years old, I figured my mother would stop physically abusing me. Oh, contrare
Were you raised as a dub or did you convert?
by BLISSISIGNORANCE 46 Replies latest jw friends
Converted. Hubby converted before me (oh, that was a joy, let me tell you). I finally quit fighting it, decided to give it a try. Both out now, still married (amazingly enough)
Phantom Stranger
Born in.
Raised in the fourth generation. My great-grandmother was imprisoned by the Nazis.
Born and raised... third generation
Dittos here.
***** Rub a Dub
I was pretty much raised in it. My mom joined when I was about 6 years old. And now, I'm trying to get out. I wasn't even supposed to finish high school because armaguedon was VERY close. Oh well, soon enough i will have the last laugh.
My mom converted when I was around 6or7 I was active until my teens studied on and off in my late 20's but never got baptized.
Born and raised into it. My parents converted a few years before I was born, first one, then later the other, so my brothers and sisters could remember not being JW's.
Unfortunately I was raised in it. Never would have converted to such a totalitarian religion.
got my forty homey?
Born and raised left at 20 after several years of pioneering and a year stint at bethel.