For those ever put on "restrictions" , how long where you on them?

by LyinEyes 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    Oh yeah I know about that Sassy,,,,,,,,,,,SERVICE, SERVICE and then some. They said it would help you spiritually, etc. etc........and for gawds sake what happened with us, happened by that time.....almost a year after the fact. By then we were a married couple doing what was right in the Lord's eyes. We tried so hard to prove ourselves, by going in service everyday for hours. We did our part in cleaning toilets and any other projects that needed to be done. Talk about taking advantage !!!!!!!

    I think City Fan hit it just right,,,,,,,,we were still allowe to sell those magazines.........We were too sinful to comment , to pray , to do mics,,,,,,,,but not to sinful for them to profit off of our personal time to put more money in their pockets.

  • Vivamus

    I have never been on restrictions myself, nor have I ever attended a meeting in which someone was public reprooved.

    I did know a sister tho, who was on restrictions, and the only thing she wasn't allowed to do, was pioneer. She was the woman who gave me bible study, and she got those restrictions cuz she had divorced her husband (but stayed single) and she stayed on them till she got married again to her ex. So about four years ....


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Sassy

    You know that makes no sense at all.. NOW when I think about it..

    if we are all supposed to go in service when being disciplined.. disciplined for 'wrong doing'.. why would you send them out in the 'field'?? if it wasn't for 'money selling books'.. I mean you aren't good enough to answer at meetings but you are still 'honored' to be able to talk to people about God? forced really..

  • RubaDub

    private reproof judicial commitee thingy, at which over 40 persons were present

    City ...

    40 persons ??? I've never heard of that. Wow.

    I would ask more questions ...but ...

    Whatever the case.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • LyinEyes

    I have heard of private reproof where, those who knew about the "sin" , had to be present to see that the person had been embarrassing.......wouldn't not commenting , or other privilegdes let everyone know the matter had been handled? Errrrrrrrrrr!

    Here's a new one I heard,,,,say for instance an elder , faithful man of many years committed a sin years ago , one that should have been reported,,,,,,,he didnt have to confess. If he had proved to be an upstanding person, many years of faithful service that proved he was blessed by Jehovah. I am not sure if the rank and file are under the same rules the elders are, anyone know anything about this?

  • gitasatsangha

    Oh yeah, I forgot. I was privately reproved one other time when I was a kid.. 16 I think it was. I went out a couple of times with a "worldy" girl. I think they took mic's away from me for awhile.

    I really learned my lesson from that admonishment of Jehovah. After that I had a "JW" girlfriend, all cutesy trips to the gatherings every couple of weeks or so as a smokescreen so i could go out with whoever I wanted to in the real world. I learned valuable lessons for life, in the JW's, yessiree. :)

    Gita of the Dontgetcaught Class

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    LyinEyes, exactly! "but not to sinful for them to profit off of our personal time to put more money in their pockets."

    Rubadub, basically it went like this: I told a close friend what I'd done (had sex with a 'worldly' girl ). He told an elder. He then told his wife, she told her friend, she told her husband, they told their families. The elders formed a commitee. My parents were informed. Another friend found out. He told his family, and on and on....

    About 12 months before I'd attended one of these 'private' reproofs for someone else and there were about 50 people there! Maybe our congregation just preferred to have private rather than public reproofs.

    Those were the days!

  • Sassy

    That is horrible City Fan!

  • LyinEyes

    This is just one of the 100's of things the JW's have put us thru........all the guilt , punishment, and add another table spoon of more guilt for extra measure. That is why some of us will never get over the injustice , and that is why we stay angry for so long. I think it is good to be able to be angry , in a strange way.......because as JW's we were so brainwashed some of us didnt get angry,,,,,we believed that punishment was love. "those whom God loves, he disciplines" etc. etc. So we felt we shouldnt get angry.......just take what was dished out to us.

    So now, that we are out........we can feel the anger, we have a right to express our anger, thru words, and comments made on this forums. I feel it is healing to express the hurt , the anger,,,,,once you are able to do that, you really do become more FREE, and sometimes you can even laugh at it , and at yourself for the things we did in the name of our religion.

  • itsallgoodnow

    Sassy, that is really dumb when you think about it. All along, they are saying (for unbaptized publishers) that you need to meet these strict standards and be in good standing BEFORE you are accepted for service, but then they turned it around on you, so now I'm just confused!

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