For those ever put on "restrictions" , how long where you on them?

by LyinEyes 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    You know the GB gets "new light" when they get the notion to,,,,when it benefits them in some way.

    I will never forget when I was 13, my very best JW friend , we were like sisters, got disassociated,,,,,that was the word they used for it then. She never was baptized. It broke my heart , I saw her and I couldnt talk to her.

    Years later they changed the disassociation to only baptized people. I was pissed at all the years that went by that I did get to spend with my friend.

    I even remember her mom telling me , she asked for a bible study with the elders( my own dad was one of them < - - - ASS) and they told her no,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,13 yrs old and a flat out NO!! She was so sinful she wasnt worthy of the elders help........but NOW...........boy they would jump on a bible study walking up to them so easily. Oh and the time they would get to count.

    I am just so angry when I think about how they have jacked around with so many lives,,,,,,,,,alot of things more serious than these ( blood issue, child abuse , etc. ) you think they would learn to stop being so ignorant.

    I would like to walk up to certain elders and all of the GB and just...........B*tch slap them!!!

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