The God of Christians is Very Vague

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • frankiespeakin

    I no longer consider myself a Christian.

    I feel that there may be a God, but if there is, he's not the God Christians worship, for such a God makes no sense.

    If as the Bible says we need to have faith in Jesus to get everlasting life,,, why would this God make it so misleading and leave so much room for ligitmate doubt,,, by having this information passed on to us by men and organizations that have not been totally honest????

    Why would he use the Bible to relate this information, when the Bible is so full of errors???? The evidence is very clear that the Bible has been tampered with over the centuries, so that a reasonable person can have legitimate doubts about the Bible's origins.

    Also, why would God use men who are so prone to dishonesty, to convey this lifesaving information?

    Look at all the different types of Christian religions, and all the different teachings they get from the very same Bible, it makes one wonder, if this Jehovah, a good communicator????, especially when something means everlasting life to those who listen to the message. All this confusion, makes one pause, and give serious consideration to the claims of Christians and the Bible.

    The evidence, I'm afraid does not support the authenticity of claims found in the Bible.

  • yxl1

    Funny how with a little bit of logical reasoning, the whole Christian thing just falls apart. I made the "leap from faith" a few months ago, and once you take a step back from the beliefs of christianity, you can really see how silly the whole thing is. I'll send you a PM later.

  • LittleToe

    Have you considered that all man's attempts to describe "God" have failed miserably?

    Further, if "God" were to use men, where would he find some that weren't prone to dishonesty, etc, etc?

    Might I ask what issues you have with "Christ" (since that is the real crux of "Christianity", not the beliefs and behaviours of those who claim to follow him)?

  • meat pie
    meat pie

    Hi Frankiespeakin, I agree with you, I do believe there is a Creator, though I have no logical explaination for this. Also I am more and more convinced that the Bible is too confusing and muddled to be of much use if we are looking for 'truth', or specific unequivocal messages and instructions from God. This must be the fault of human beings, because, if God exsists and wants us to know some thing via that method, surely He would have made things a bit easier to follow? I made a post a few pages back in 'Friends' looking at this subject, specifically regarding Jesus. Its a lot like doubting the Watchtower, once we are brave enough to look something straight in the eye, and to critically examine it, it starts to fall apart.I personally don't feel like I've lost anything, it's just a new perspective isn't it? And its very interesting.


  • drawcad_1

    It was some of the watchtowers own literature that started me to believe that the bible couldn?t be as accurate or from as high of a power as it claims. I think it was an orange study book about the authenticity of the bible that first made me think about it. It went through all of the different sources that translated the bible and how much effort they went into making it accurate. And at the end of that chapter it said that there were still errors included because the men that translated it were only human. This made me wonder with all of the other claims of how powerful and loving this god is, would he allow his own book to have errors in it and possibly mislead people. There were also claims of scientific accuracies in the bible that even primitive man of that time had already figured out. The Egyptians had calculated the diameter of the earth before Moses was around.

    I guess the discussion is centered on the idea of if I believe in the Christian God or not? I think that I believe in a higher order, I don?t believe that it has been put down on paper yet.

  • frankiespeakin


    Yes if one can get past the mind control and fear of everlasting loss one can see it as silly.


    Have you considered that all man's attempts to describe "God" have failed miserably?

    Yes, very true, God is transendant which would make any discription of him meaningless, and worth nothing, which makes the Bible's description of him meaningless as well, if we want to be fair, in our unprejudiced reasoning.

    Further, if "God" were to use men, where would he find some that weren't prone to dishonesty, etc, etc?

    So then if God were to comunicate to us it would seem much wiser to skip all these middle men that are prone to self deception, and destortion of the message. Organization could hardly be considered because they have special "organizational" interest that would be even more destortional to a message from God, to others.

    Might I ask what issues you have with "Christ" (since that is the real crux of "Christianity", not the beliefs and behaviours of those who claim to follow him)?

    I have no issues with Christ, he most likely was a very good man, maybe even a Budha, or sage, but we all know how a story can get blow out of proportion the more it gets told. And this is what I think was done by "followers" of Christ, the farther they were removed from being actual eye witnesses of Him personally.


    I personally don't feel like I've lost anything, it's just a new perspective isn't it? And its very interesting. Shirley.

    I think that about, sums how I feel too.


    I guess the discussion is centered on the idea of if I believe in the Christian God or not? I think that I believe in a higher order, I don?t believe that it has been put down on paper yet.

    I think that is so true, this higher order, would be impossible to describe even in metaphorical terms. It would be like us trying to tell an earthworm why we need money to buy things, there is no way I can think of to do this.
  • LittleToe
    So then if God were to comunicate to us it would seem much wiser to skip all these middle men that are prone to self deception, and destortion of the message.

    It would, wouldn't it?

    At which point maybe "organization" just becomes people of like mind and experience getting together.

  • JamesThomas

    Many of us ex-jw's are disillusioned. We are too wise now to put all our eggs in one basket and the baskets we do use we investigate for holes. Belief systems, religions and scripture can be seen as feeble attempts at grasping or capturing what our hearts yearn for. They may suffice for a while, but a time may come when theologizing and philosophizing, beliefs, concepts, interpretations and ideas about God, don't cut it. We may know of no other way, and just throw up our hands in disgust; and try and ignore the spiritual ache within. I see a lot of people in a situation like this. Perhaps the entire problem exists simply because there is no objective god out there. j

  • MorpheuzX

    I'm an ex-JW, DA'd, and I too no longer consider myself a Christian, although I like a lot of what Jesus had to say and do.

    The part that always confused me about christianity in general was the ransom. A perfect man, Adam, sins and so all his offspring are sinners and ergo must die. Then god decides to send his/her perfect son to live a perfect life and die for mankind to redeem humanity. Why? God made the rules. Couldn't god have just tweaked them? Adam and Eve, if they ever existed, were clearly sorry for what they did. God was their parent. Couldn't god have just said, I forgive you? Thereby avoiding thousands of years of indescribable human misery.

    I know when a person I love hurts me, I can pretty easily say I forgive you. Why couldn't the god of christianity? I personally hope I one day get to meet the real god. I've got a couple questions to ask her.

  • dustyb
    I know when a person I love hurts me, I can pretty easily say I forgive you. Why couldn't the god of christianity? I personally hope I one day get to meet the real god. I've got a couple questions to ask her.

    heheheh, refferring to the bitch eh?

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