The God of Christians is Very Vague

by frankiespeakin 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • tazmaniac

    You are a mind reader (frankiespeakin). Those are my thoughts exactly. I think I am going to print your post and put it on my fridge. Cheers, taz

  • Love_Truth

    It?s called free will, as taught in the Bible. You have the ability to choose to listen to other human?s interpretation of Scripture, or to do the work yourself (of studying the Bible) instead of being spoon fed. You may believe the Bible is ?full of errors? as you say, because you took someone?s word for it. You need to do the study yourself, and stop believing what others say. That is what is meant by making it your own. The Bible has been tampered with in what way? All the translations are in basic agreement. If you choose to have doubts, you will have to defend why, or why not, you had those doubts on judgment day. That God inspired imperfect men to write the Holy Scriptures in no way takes away from its message and truthfulness.

    As I alluded to, the reason there are so many sects of ?Christianity?, is because most humans apparently are happy with being spoon fed other?s interpretations, and never doing the necessary research to establish their own faith in God and Scripture. There is no confusion about what it takes to gain salvation:

    Start with the Law of Love, then add to that those other things (all summed up in that law, but fully expounded on elsewhere) as follows:

    Put faith in God (YHWH), his Son, Jesus Christ, his Son's ransom sacrifice's power to redeem us, and his inspired word the Holy Bible - Hebrews 10:12, 26; 11:6; 11:1-40; John 3:16-21; Romans chapters 4, 5 & 6; Romans 10: 9-17; Acts 4:12; 10:43; Matthew 26:28; Mark 3:28-30; James 4:17; 5:15; 1 John 4:9-14;Luke 13:23,24; 1 Timothy 4:10.

    Real faith, in turn, compels us to works, service to God and neighbor - James 2:26; Acts 26:20; Hebrews 10: 23-25.

    Practice the fruitages of the Holy Spirit, doing our utmost to avoid sin -Galatians 5:19-25;1 Corinthians 6: 9,10; Matthew 12:31.

    Prayer - Matthew 5:44, 6:9, 26:41; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; James 5:16; Romans 12:21; Phillipians 4:6; Colossians 4:2; 1 Peter 4:7.

    If one starts out studying the NT with the express intent of examining each statement as to whether it is a Law/Rule that MUST be obeyed for salvation, versus a principle/suggestion, admonition, etc, versus chronology, prophesy, etc, one finds that the ?core beliefs? are those necessary for each individuals salvation, while most of Scripture is for other purposes, and should be treated accordingly.

    The WTC, became Apostate when they began (as all man-made religions eventually do) on the path towards making their interpretations of principle, suggestion, admonition, chronology, prophesy, etc into LAW, and equating these man made laws and traditions with GOD?s laws. THIS is APOSTACY.

    I personally hold that belief that the Bible is God?s word is central to our faith and understanding, because:

    1)- If it is wholly not God?s word, why read it, for other than entertainment and curiousity? You surely won?t gain salvation by it, if you believe so. But what if it IS God?s word? You?ve ignored his guidebook, and have no one to blame but yourself.

    2)- If it is not wholly God?s word, even if you believe parts of it are inspired, your choice of what is and is not inspired puts you, and everyone who believes such, in the unenviable position of having to uniquely discern what parts to believe. The logical conclusion of this path leads to infinite possible combinations, so what is the point of the Bible, then? To confuse us? That just doesn?t make sense.

    3)- If it IS wholly God?s word, then we are blessed to have it, and believe it, and learn from it. This of course, takes faith.

    While it is impossible to prove any of the above viewpoints, each of us must pick one as the foundation of our research, and hence, what we place our faith in. If Jesus? words were true, that we should build on Rock, rather than Sand, then my choice will always be the above number 3. Belief that the entire Bible is the inspired word of God is the Framework within which I do do my research, and always will be.

    In the end, God will judge EACH of us as INDIVIDUALS, NOT as part of a ?religion?, ?group?, ?organization?, etc. Far too many hide behind the mask of their religion?s beliefs, letting THEM decide what is right and wrong, what is necessary for salvation, etc. It takes PERSONAL study, research, and the ensuing Love, Faith, and other Fruitages, along with the aforementioned Scriptural practices, to gain salvation.

    That is why, IMO, Jesus spoke these words in Matthew 7:13,14: ?You can enter God's Kingdom only through the narrow gate. The highway to hell is broad, and its gate is wide for the many who choose the easy way. But the gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.

    I hope this helps?..


  • Balsam

    Hi Everyone,

    This is an interesting discussion. When I left the witnesses I did some investigation on the background of the WTBTS and found it lacking in divine direction. Then I began to look at traditional Churches condemned by the JW, as perhaps a source of the divine and found it lacking also. Then I wondered about the bible itself, and have read book shelves full of books on the Bible, about it being a historically accurate book or not. By far hands down it seems that the bible is a collection of stories created by men to explain why humans exsist and is not from God. But then I thought Jesus and his story is so amazing so then I began to investigate Jesus, and man's claim that he is divine, a God, and our savior. Well I found that Jesus was an extraordinally wise man much like the Buddha, and other religious men of times past. Was he divine, or more divine than say myself or anyone else? Well I found that it appears that he was not. The Jew's saw him as a wise man, a teacher. So how did it come about that he then began to be seen as God come in the flesh. Well a man name Saul who persecuted the Christians, got a vision and completely changed, and changed his name to Paul. He too became a follower of Jesus, and viewed him as divine. The other Apostles viewed him as different and questionable. Peter jumped right in there and defended Paul. Paul went on to preach that Jesus was the messiah, God in the flesh. Out of all the Christian groups that came about Paul's Christian preaching was the most effective. Paul is the one who created much of the so called Christian doctrine followed today. Of course then you have the Catholic Church and its beginnings with Constantine. The Church then changed some of the writings to suit their needs, and divine authority. Even some of Pauls writings were altered it seems. So what we ended up with is a book canonized by the Catholic Church as God's Word. Can we believe it as from God and was divinely protected? No don't think so. It is a book that controls by fear of God, fear of Satan. Some of the saying in the bible though are very valueable in the teachings of love, compassion, and empathy for others.

    In the end I found a very small percentage of Christians called Gnostics through out the world, who follow some of the non-canon writtings of early times. The Book of Thomas, has proved intersting.

    A book I am reading now by Burton L. Mack a bible scholar called " Who Wrote The New Testament? The making of the Christian Myth" Well worth reading for those who wish to know how the Jesus movement ever got started that has so affected Western culture. This bible scholar answers a lot of questions, and give background on the culture of that period of time.

    I know God is with me in my search, but in the beginnings I felt so frustrated, even angry I had to do this on my own. I just wanted to have someone to tell me how to believe and them be right. But the path to spirituality and knowledge is very individual. The Apostle Paul had his vision, and he wanted everyone to share his vision as accurate. That is where the mistake lays, trying to make us all of one thought and mind, when that is impossible. Spirituality can't be regulated by some one vision. And fear of religion, God, Satan, and man is our greatest enemy to finding answers. The key is love, for if the bible is correct in anything at all. God is Love.

    Loved everyone's thought here

  • Reslight
    Reslight's "Booggie man Jehovah" is the same as the JW's Boogie man Jehovah, he chopping at the bit and will soon murder everyone for not being a JW. Too funny.

    The above makes little sense in the context of what I presented. The God of the Bible will not "soon murder everyone for not being a JW." While there will be many who will die during the "Armageddon" struggle, it will have nothing to do with whether they are a JW or not a JW. I am not a JW, I do not believe the doctrine of the JWs, and I most certainly do not believe that billions will be eternally destroyed because they are blinded by Satan.

    I belive in the God of the Bible, who has promised to bless all the families of the earth through the seed of Abraham.

    Christian love,

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