I just looked up 'Apostacy' in the "Reasoning Book", and it said......'or those who claim to believe in the bible, but reject Jehovahs Organisation". LOL, another example of how the WTS does total turn-arounds on issues. My favorite quote from the 1865 Watchtower, pg. 216: "Beware of "organisation." It is wholly un-necessay. The Bible will be the only rules you need. Do not seek to bind others consciences and do not permit others to bind yours. Believe and obey so far as you can understand God's Word today, andy so continue to grow in grace and knowledge day by day." It's funny how the Witnesses teach that Christendom changed Christianity's foundations to further their own cause, when they did it themselves, via "new light." I prefer sun light over the glow of the most technologically advanced light bulb. I prefer growing in grace and knowledge day by day over blindly following a group of men in Brooklyn.