On another topic I wrote about spoiling my daughter. Some of the comments got off into a side topic about getting a submissive "non American" wife. By this I assume these posters were referring to non white women of other cultures. It seemed to get some people going.
So guys...where do you stand? Can you handle an American Woman? Can you tolerate a successful and smart women that may be better looking, taller and have more money than you? Or do you need to be on top. Would you get competitive? Or if you found yourself hooked up with such a woman, ( did not know she was a Doctor when you first went out) would you break it off? Some professional people keep their success a secret until they get to know the people they are dating because they want to avoid the mercenaries. I have one lady friend that is always buying me stuff, (expensive bed lined, surround sound for my bedroom, CD player for my new pick-up, tables and light for my bedroom and I could go on and on), I hate it when she does this. But she won't stop!...Life's rough!
And ladies, can you be with a guy who is less successful than you? I am a skilled tradesman, not a professional. True, I was an Art Director of a company for two years and am better educated than most tradesmen, but I get real dirty each day and work with my hands. Would you be ashamed of me? Do you need the guy to be on top? And please save the nice polite answers for the stooge you are going with. Be real with me, OK? Maverick