Women don't lie and men don't listen

by Maverick 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • Maverick

    Stole the line from Doc Love. But it is true. Women will tell you all kinds of things about how they think and what they feel but the average man is too hung up in his own wants and ego to listen.

    I will pick just one thing to use as an example.

    When the woman you are with talks down to you or throws out a zinger at your expense she is telling you she has contempt for you and no respect! Most guys just take it and pass it off. Wrong! If she bad talks you when you are dating do you think life will get better after you put a ring on her finger? How is she being loving if she denigrates your manhood? Wake up!!!! When a woman is happy with what you are doing they will never go there. They will never try to make you look stupid! If they are being unkind then you are soon to be replaced or worse made into her verbal punching bag! Do you want that? Go ask all the sorry married men at your local bar tonight and see what they have to say. Don't think with your little head, boys! It won't get better and she'll only get meaner.

    Listen, and pay attention. There are plenty of good loving woman out there, so dump the bad ones. If you listen to this advise it can save you ten years of hell and a ton of money in the inevitable divorce. Maverick

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Mav said:

    When a woman is happy with what you are doing they will never go there. They will never try to make you look stupid!

    Like we need any help in that department!
    By the way Mav, while I can't relate to the former aspect of your post,I agree with latter.

    Thunder ===]>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

  • reboot
    How is she being loving if she denigrates your manhood? Wake up!!!! When a woman is happy with what you are doing they will never go there. They will never try to make you look stupid! If they are being unkind then you are soon to be replaced or worse made into her verbal punching bag! Do you want that? Go ask all the sorry married men at your local bar tonight and see what they have to say. Don't think with your little head, boys! It won't get better and she'll only get meaner.

    whoa, Maverick, (((((((you having a bad day?))))))))) perhaps something the man has done made himself look stupid and the woman was just pointing it out? If I was being stupid i'd expect to be told...

    And perhaps the men at the bar should have taken their wives with them...? could never understand the his 'n' hers drinking thing-when i'd get left behind to baby sit I certainly had something to say about it.

  • Nosferatu
    Stole the line from Doc Love.

    So, that's probably why we have the same views on things! Never been much of a Doc Love fan, but he knows his stuff.

    Women will tell you all kinds of things about how they think and what they feel but the average man is too hung up in his own wants and ego to listen.

    I think it goes a lot deeper than that. A lot of men don't understand what a woman is saying half the time. Women can seem very hypocritical (ie "I want a nice guy" but she goes out with assholes). It's the actions that do the talking, not necessarily the words. Reading a woman's actions will tell you LOTS about her.

    There are plenty of good loving woman out there, so dump the bad ones.

    I somewhat disagree with this. There may be plenty of decent women out there, but one who is capable of showing her respect, confidence, and love for her man (and has common interests) is hard to find. Dating is a way of passing time until you find the ideal woman.

  • reboot
    Dating is a way of passing time until you find the ideal woman.

    That's refreshingly honest Nos and very true... made me smile ..and i've got to ask..what is that on your head

  • shotgun


    Your really turning into the Dr Phil of this forum....I've enjoyed the last few threads of your very much..

    Now we need someone to take on the persona of Tom Lykis...Lykis 101....who do you nominate

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Nos is da man wit da toilet paper bow in his haid.


  • pettygrudger

    I think the exact reverse is also true Maverick - men don't tend to lie, and women don't listen. And I don't feel as a society that we do! I just posted a topic on another forum about this very matter. Women have become so self-absorbed in their quest for "equal rights", that we've been trained now to negate mens feelings and their needs.

    Give me 1 television show where the Alpha female isn't constantly belittling the stupid Alpha male - where true respect is shown to each other, and appreciation for the qualities both bring to the relationship? Aren't any that I know of. That went away with the Cosby show. Now, our daughters are taught to be independent & strong, and not allow ANY man to "CONTROL" her (gasp). And, if the man has any feelings, thoughts or opinions of his own - that's exactly what he's doing - controlling

  • Elsewhere
    Stole the line from Doc Love. But it is true. Women will tell you all kinds of things about how they think and what they feel but the average man is too hung up in his own wants and ego to listen.

    And ironically women are not attracted to men who lack self confidence.

  • Mulan

    Maverick, I think you are having a a bad day.

    You shouldn't generalize so much. I am sure there are many women, myself included, who take great delight in making their husband feel/look stupid............from time to time. When we get mad we are human, not perfect, and it doesn't mean we don't love our man.

    If a woman does this all the time, everyday, and seems to enjoy it way too much, then yes, maybe she doesn't love the man.

    I've been married for 41 years and really do love my husband, but he can make me angrier than just about anyone, and I will retaliate if I get mad enough.

    I also don't agree with what you said about lying and listening. I am a great listener and Dave is too. Neither of us lie to each other. Since leaving the JW's I've made it very clear to him that no one will ever control me again. So............he can discuss something with me and ask me to do things, but I no longer will take orders, and he knows it.

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