Women don't lie and men don't listen

by Maverick 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • Maverick

    Thank you all for your replies. And no I am not having a bad day. I did have some sista get stupid on one of the other threads I had, and I'm saying my piece about it.

    Mulan, do you talk bad to your husband in public? Or talk about cutting off his thingy? I can't picture that. And of course I am generalizing.

    Nos, I agree that there really are not that many great ladies out there, I was trying to be kind and not alienate the whole of our female members.

    Let me set the record straight, I love women, I think they are God's greatest work of art. And I love good art and have a house full of nice things to look at and delight in. But when I have some sista get mean and hateful with me then I let Mr. Jerk out!

    I am a fairly easy going and fun loving person. I can afford to be because then someone crosses the line I will go the whole other way. I get really tired of people who bash men. And Petty G is right on target. I'll give you my heart and soul ladies, but take advantage of me or disrespect me and I shut down and get real cold! When a woman pushes me too far I'm done, she history, and I don't want to hear or see her face again!

    Sorry if I sound bitter, I'm not, I have too much self-respect, to allow myself to be tread upon! Maverick

  • itsallgoodnow

    IMHO men will generally take whatever crap you give them if you are hot, or even lukewarm. If not, well then you just need to be a lot nicer, and sometimes that's not enough.

  • stillajwexelder

    Its dangerous and unfair to generalize - some women do lie -- quite a few men are excellent listeners -- I count myself as one -- and some men are bastards to women and divorce is the only viable option for a women to protect themselves -- many times women get hurt and yes sometimes men do also.

  • Maverick

    Ex elder, You don't get what I am saying. Let me break it down for you.

    Women don't lie....Are you in the box and thinking about words? Women, through their actions and tone will tell you everything you need to know. Set your own ego aside and bottomline want is happening and you will see the truth.

    Men don't listen....see the above. Maverick

    PS Itsallgoodnow...sad to say, you are right. But if a man has self-respect, he will not put up with crap when a beautiful woman tests him. Many beautiful women find this very attractive too! I find very beautiful women are a real pain, I have a custom Jaguar...that is the one high maintenance thing I posess. The ladies I am attracted to are nice looking and beautiful to me by the way they behave. I have little tolerance for the flashy flesh!

  • itsallgoodnow

    all right, Maverick. I like what I'm hearing!

  • xenawarrior
    Give me 1 television show where the Alpha female isn't constantly belittling the stupid Alpha male - where true respect is shown to each other, and appreciation for the qualities both bring to the relationship? Aren't any that I know of. That went away with the Cosby show. Now, our daughters are taught to be independent & strong, and not allow ANY man to "CONTROL" her (gasp). And, if the man has any feelings, thoughts or opinions of his own - that's exactly what he's doing - controlling

    I hope our daughters aren't being taught by television. I know mine isn't.

    I don't know about all of that PG. My daughter is nearly 16. One thing I noticed with her and the friends she's had since she was in kindergarten is that boys and girls acted differently towards one another than they did when I was younger. I've discussed this with many parents of the same aged children and found that it's the same dynamic they are seeing. When I was growing up, we hung around with the boys in our own neighborhood; playing football and kick the can and such but our close friends were predominantly of the same sex.

    Not so anymore. My daughter has had "best friends" who are boys since she was little. There is more of a feeling of genuine friendship and respect among them as they have grown and they watch out for one another. The respect they've learned from their friendships with one another follows them into a relationship too.

    Just my 2 cents.....

    Now I have to go listen to her essay on "Is Utopia Possible?"


  • Maverick

    I want the women in my life empowered and feeling good about who they are. But when a person denigrates me because I am male I will not put up with it! If I act like a jerk, then it is me, Maverick acting like a jerk, not because I'm a guy I'm acting like a jerk. I am using broad, (pardon the pun) terms to cover the subject but I realise that each person is an individual and not all these things apply.

    I think it is very poor form to bad talk in public the person you claim to care for. I hated it when I was a dud and I still hate it. Mate bashing is low-rent and simply tells me that the person doing the bashing is a lousy judge of character and I feel sorry for the subject of their wrath. And when I have dated a new lady and she would get mean, even in jest, at that moment, I was over her. I would be nice to her the rest of the time I was with her but she would know when I dropped her off I wasn't coming back for more of her abuse.

    Men don't realize that the first few dates are an interview and the lady is looking to see if the guy screws up. She is looking to see if he has what it takes for her to keep him. A smart man sees this and is interviewing her right back.

    Guys, spend a evening at a popular bar on ladies night, don't try to pick up any women, and take your sister or female friend and have them tell you what is really going on there. Ask them what the ladies say in the powder room about the guys they going to "work". The phony names and phone numbers they give these stooges. The trick about one sister going into the ladies room and calling the other one pretending she is that ones husband and going to meet her outside in ten minutes. Your eyes will be opened my friends! It's a game, and the best part is that they deny it is a game. Maverick

  • pettygrudger
    Man don't realize that the first few dates are an interview and the lady is looking to see if the guy screws up. she is looking to see if he has what it takes for her to keep him. A smart man sees this and is interviewing her right back.

    Guy, spend a evening at a popular bar on ladies night, don't try to pick up any women, and take your sister or female friend and have them tell you what is really going on there. Ask them what the ladies say in the powder room about the guys they going to "work". The phony names and phone numbers they give these stooges. The trick about one sister going into the ladies room and calling the other one pretending she is that ones husband and going to meet her outside in ten minutes. Your eyes will be opened my friends! It's a game, and the best part is that they deny it is a game. Maverick

    That works both ways Maverick - men are just as bad, if not worse, at the game playing in the bars. Women are just more refined at it

    XW - I've been thinking about what you said, and it's so true. I think of my 17 y.o. son - he has girlfriends that aren't "girlfriends". We were discussing his relationship situation the other week, and I asked him why he hadn't brought home a girlfriend for me (yes, I WANT girlfriends damnit!). His response was that he couldn't find what he was looking for. I asked him what that was, and he said "Someone like you mom, and they just don't exist anymore". Now, after I stopped sobbing like a little baby, I realized that he's probably right. In many ways I do him a diservice with my conservative ways.

    Hopefully, with the sexes developing friendships instead of romances, the next couple of generations will be able to figure it all out and learn to meet somewhere in the middle.

  • Mulan

    Maverick................you have a good point. I don't do that in public.

  • SheilaM
    do you talk bad to your husband in public? Or talk about cutting off his thingy

    I would never talk bad about my Thunder and I would never mention cutting off his THINGY

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