Phone / Email Relationships

by Nosferatu 35 Replies latest social relationships

  • Nosferatu

    Okay, my turn!

    So, you met this hottie online, and got her email address. You're thinking, "Wow! Let's see if I can establish some rapport with her, and see if we have anything in common!" So you send her the following email:

    Hey, what's up? What did you do this weekend? I went out drinking with my friend this weekend at club Sloppyhoes. I really enjoy dancing. Do you like to dance? Electrofuko is my favorite band, I have all of their CDs. What kind of music do you like? Anyway, I have to go candle shopping, hope to hear a reply from you!

    The next day, you get an email back:
    Hi There! It's so nice to hear from you! I spent some time on my uncle's farm horseback riding this weekend. The weather was so nice and happy, and my cousin Zittfran fell in a big pile of cow shit! It took him hours to get all clean.

    Yes, I do like to dance, but club Sloppyhoes isn't really my taste. I usually go to Dykeland Bar & Grill. It's a much more relaxed setting, and the people there are really friendly. And I love Electrofuko! I have posters of Pennis Drippo on my wall.

    Anyway, I should go and get my laundry done. Hope to hear back from you soon! Take care.

    Now, as time passes, the emails keep going back and forth, getting longer, and the two of you start learning more and more about each other. You eventually become comfortable chatting with her over the internet, and look foreward to each and every email from her. If a day goes by without a response from her, you miss it, and think about what she might be doing.

    After an incredible amount of time passes, You finally ask her to meet. One of two things can happen:

    1) She tells you she can't make it, and doesn't counter-offer.
    2) She agrees to meet you somewhere. When you finally meet her, conversation is of low quality, there are lots of silent points, and your attempts at flirting seem to have made her uncomfortable.

    What happened?

    In result #1, you waited too long, and she's most likely seeing someone else.

    In result #2, you have conditioned her to become used to conversing with you through the internet. She's uncomfortable by your presence, and you have to start from scratch creating rapport with her. The sad thing is she knows a lot about you, there isn't any mystery left, and the conversation becomes flat and boring. What you tell her is pretty much predictable since she knows so much about you. You have become her email buddy. She prefers reading what you type, rather than seeing you and hearing what you say.

    The same problem exists with the phone. You meet a new girl, or a friend hooks you up, and you spend 3 hours talking to her on your first, second, third, fourth phone call. You two talk about everything. She asks you questions, and you give her honest responses. The two of you begin to learn a lot about each other. Finally, you ask her to meet you somewhere.

    1) She tells you she can't make it, and doesn't counter-offer.
    2) She agrees to meet you somewhere. When you finally meet her, conversation is of low quality, there are lots of silent points, and your attempts at flirting seem to have made her uncomfortable.

    Sound familiar? How can you get the same results from spending too much time talking to her on the internet, and on the phone? She's hearing your voice on the phone!

    As humans, we tend to get comfortable with things that we are familiar with. Picture your living room. Think of how it is arranged, and the pieces of furniture in it. Now, you buy a new piece of furniture, and put it in your living room. Sometimes when you enter your living room, the new item seems to catch you by surprise or you end up bumping into it accidently. This is the same living room, with the same pieces of furniture in it, except for one new item that you don't seem to be quite used to yet.

    This is exactly what has happened when you met this girl. She's used to the way your voice sounds, or how you talk about your uncle Zaxxmom, but when you finally meet up with her, your presence throws her off. You've added a new element to her complete idea of you. She's not used to it.

    Now, go back to your living room. Take all the furniture, all the pictures on the wall, the light fixture, basically everything in it, and throw it all in the trash. Paint your living room a different color, get new carpeting, and buy a completely new living room set. Now look at the new living room. How do you feel? Feels great to have a completely new living room, doesn't it? You were impressed with the carpet and the furniture when you saw it at the store, but it looks so much better complete, and you adjust to it very quickly. It's much different than just adding one extra piece of furniture.

    Now, liken this to meeting a woman. Shopping for furniture is like her meeting you for the first time. Buying the furniture is much like setting up a date. Getting the living room completely set up is like dating someone new. You get to explore all the angles of the person, their looks, their clothes, their speech, their actions, their smell, and what they say. It all comes at once, and everything relates to each other. Much more nicer to enjoy it in person, rather than just seeing a picture or reading about them.

    When you and a new woman go on a date as quickly as possible, it eliminates the awkwardness of her being familiar with only certain attributes that you posess. If you spend more time with her in person, she will prefer spending time with you rather than chatting through some other means of communication. The first date will have a greater chance of being successful if you refrain from having an email or phone relationship.

    Also, when you keep email or phone contact to a minimum, she becomes accustomed to being with you. She won't like email or phone conversation, because your full presence just isn't there. She'll look foreward to seeing you more than getting a call or an email from you.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I met someone online, a Canadian girl actually from Montreal, while I was going through the messy death throws of a 5 year relationship. I decided I needed to get away for a while after the relationship died so booked my tickets to Canada and came over. I got on pretty well with her but her 3 kids were truly demonic. I'd booked my tickets to stay 3 weeks, 2 days later I decided not to stay the full time at her place and backpacked up to Quebec and down to toronto, coming back a week early.

    Meeting someone online is a bit sketchy, you really cannot tell how compatible you are purely from what you read from a screen and hear on the phone. You live and learn.

  • shotgun

    Nos your mock e-mail conversation had me giggling like a Gumby at a pencil convention!

    Please forward me all future correspondance with potential dates...

  • gumby

    Well....I'm married so can't relate........but if I were single....,

    I would pick up a babe I could SEE. Go grocery shopping! When I go grocery shopping with my wife there are chicks all over the place! Follow one around and ask her a dumb question when you get to the vegetable dept. like....."do you think this tomato is ripe"? Chicks like being asked dumbass questions from a helpless man. Besides......if you shop for a chick might end up with a transvestite sick bastard like poor ol' Minimus or somthin.


  • shotgun

    GUMBY...there are too many holes in your last post...NOS please do not listen to this dumbass

    I would pick up a babe I could SEE.(She on the other hand would need to be blind) Go grocery shopping! When I go grocery shopping with my wife there are chicks all over the place!(Expect to see chicks if you shop on a farm) Follow one around and ask her a dumb question when you get to the vegetable dept.(Why wait, your quite adept at asking dumb questions no matter where you are) like....."do you think this tomato is ripe"? (Do you like the way tomatoes squish between your toes when your making a tossed salad)
  • imallgrowedup


    So... ummmm.... how do you explain the phone/e-mail relationships that end in marriage?!

    Inquring Minds Want to Know!


    P.S. See Country Girl's post about halfway down the first page here:

  • Nosferatu
    So... ummmm.... how do you explain the phone/e-mail relationships that end in marriage?!

    From what I've seen (and experienced), people have much better luck with meeting others in person than over the internet / phone. That's not to say that the internet / phone doesn't work for meeting people, but the success rate is much lower than doing it in real life.

  • Sirona

    I made the mistake a few years back. I was going through a really crappy stage of my life (single, bored all the time). Anyway, I met this guy on the net - schoolteacher, my age, whatever. Anyway, I met him whilst I was with a friend (being really careful). He seemed OK, a bit dorky, but he offered to take me out buy me dinner etc. So I agreed.

    About 3 dates later I finished with him because I knew I was only interested in him paying for dinner (horrid I know), and guess what? He turned into a stalker! Phone calls at 3am, my mobile number given out to lots of dodgy websites (as revenge I suspect) - I had to change my f'ing mobile number. Anyway, I sorted the issue by having a friend talk to him (he did just talk, but I think he told him he would wake up with no gonads if he carried on with the crap).

    Just don't meet them.... thats my opinion. Unless its an apostofest and you're with a crowd.


  • Puternut


    I agree with you. Time is important. Once you meet someone through this means of communication, (email, phone), you owe it to yourself to see if the one you are interested in is the same in real life. No one purposely is a different person, online or on the phone, but it seems that since there is no face to face, things can be said differently or understood differently. The reason I think is, that we cannot see the expression on their face when they say something in printed form. So sometimes you get a response and wonder what they mean by that.

    Yes I agree don't let too much time go by, before you meet them in person. Everyone wants to impress the other person, and so online what you'll see on a pic is something that could also be different in person. What if she's taller than she said she was, or what if she has a bigger smile than you'd expected. (trying to be tactful here). As you mentioned, the communication will be different also. We don't type as fast as we can speak. At least when you meet face to face, you have more to talk about when you go back online later. The person becomes more real to you.


  • itsallgoodnow

    Nosferatu, maybe the next time will go better? It's not easy meeting people period, so I guess one way is as good as any other. It's really hard to know what kind of person they are from emails though because lots of times you have more time to think about your writing as opposed to conversation... it took me 3 hours to think of this response! hehehe.

    At least talk on the phone first to see if you can even carry on conversation with the person... You could try the Young People Ask advice - find out how if she really loves Jehovah, then meet up in groups, like at the zoo or something like that. After you have known her about a year, then you can kiss her, after you are engaged... you know the rest - it couldn't go worse than that!

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