I only recall 2 Armageddon dreams my whole life.
The first was when I was about 8 or 9. I was on my street playing with a nonJW neighboorhood friend. Somehow I had known Armageddon started and he turned into like this smoldering handful of tar on the ground and I was freaked out. I didnt understand why he should be killed and it made me angry but it is what it is I thought. I didnt see any angels or demons are signs in the sky.
The second was only a few years ago long after dubdom. I would have been like 21. I saw signs in the sky. The moon began moving. Then the stars began moving. It was an erie redish twilight. The sun had just set but the sky was quite dark and there were scattered clouds. Then the moon shot off like the UFOs do in those UFO footage clips. Then I knew in my dream it was Armageddon. Strange brighly lit objects began moving really fast across the landscape and near me. I knew they were the angels of Armageddon. They were killing people but very quickly. On some people a small strange symbol began to glow very brightly in orange color on the foreheads of some people. They had the seal of God. I could see the light from my forehead reflected on my hands. I was not afraid after that. Until then I wasnt sure how to feel.
Since then I have come to the conclusion that such "Armageddons" are fantasy. Any real Armageddon will be where the name describes. In or near Meggido in the middle east against vast armies attacking Israel.
I have had on apocolyptic dream recently. It seemed apocolyptic but was very mysterious. It began in another erie twilight setting only this time there were no clouds in the sky and the sky was more purple than red. I was in my car and noticed a star or planet about as bright as venus but it was road flare red. It stood still. I knew something was wrong. It seemed infinitely high in altitude but somehow it also seemed to be looking at me. Then my eyes went to the road. I mentioned the light to someone in another car. When we looked up I quickly pointed out "Holy s*** theres two of them now!"
I looked back to the road and decided I am headed home. I seemed to be out of my car at this point. Traffic for some reason wasnt moving. Then looking back up I noticed other red dots moving in to join the two. In just a few seconds and entire formation had moved in one by one into formation. They now appeared to be hovering. There was a whole line taking up about 1/5 of the sky at 45 degrees and to the NE. At this point I mentioned to someone "This looks like an invasion?!" I recieved quite a bit of agreement and I noticed a great deal of fear now in most people.
I seemed to be on a small motorcycle now, like a dirtbike. I looked up and saw the lights breaking formation. They seemed to be descending. As I scurried through traffic people were screaming and having accidents. I knew I was only about 4 minutes from home. As the lights got really close they seemed to turn into helicopters. They werent alien ships or so now it didnt seem. They were UH-1s, Hueys. When I noticed they were UH-1s they began banking and slowing, changing direction to descend on the people. Now large nylon "belts" making a long "U" shape dropped from the choppers and tried to snare people and hoist them up.
I didnt know what was happening and no longer cared to figure it out I was getting out of here. I tried to go as fast as possible, crashing into stuff, hitting pedestrians, yelling at people still making complete stops at stop signs.
Finally I came to my house. It was completely different from any house Ive lived in. My mother was there and I said "Lock the doors and windows, its an invasion," sure once again that we were dealing with aliens. I looked up and the ceiling wasnt there but the sky. Large skylight. As I went up the stairs I saw a set of red lights in the sky once again. "Im going for my rifle!" Knowing that my AR-15 would easily deter and repel quite a few varieties of people and beings. I noticed the railings were not on the stairs but didnt care to investigate.
When I went in my room the ceiling was all intact. My mother had mentioned my sister was here, she was sick and in my room. There she was on the floor playing video games. She was Asian. Yes I remember she was adopted. But this is only in my dream. Then she began talking in thick chinese accent. I said "Stop talking like that, you dont even speak chinese, quit hanging out with that Asian mafia!"
"You shutup!" she said in the heavy asian accent. Finally I get to my rifle, load it and grab plenty of spare magazines. Ok its all good now, I thought to myself. And then I woke up. Seemed like about 5 minutes