or do you think they TRY to follow the rules?
Do You Believe Most JWs Follow Their Own Rules About Sex?
by minimus 27 Replies latest jw friends
I think there is a split here... This is probably an area that is not followed as tightly as others.. probably like Rated R movies, or having a few drinks.. a little over the border line stuff happens because it is done inside the home.. We've all heard the deal, keep your sex life in your own life, don't talk about it, so we don't have to do something about it. We all know there are elders, MS, that are having oral.. some anal.. and yet they know if they talk about it, it would jeapardize their positions...
on the other hand.. I know women that didn't want to give oral.. or god forbid anal.. so they used those magazines and talks about these things as an excuse NOT to do it... and lets face it, if they do not want to give it (or recieve), the other spouse can not exactly take them to the elders...
from what I've seen about the rules on premarital sex, some do, and some don't, and there's this feeling that people are always trying to figure out which type you are, or are coming to conclusions about you and expecting you to prove yourself.
Well some do, some don't. Years ago when my best friend was dating, her boyfriend went down on her (Oh lawdy! Where are my smellin' salts??!!). She felt sooooo bloody guilty and was apparently waiting for Jehovah to strike them both dead, so 4 years after their marriage, she forced her husband to come with her while they confessed this horrible sin to their local elder body
whom probably did a circle jerk afterwards.Others don't give a rat's ass what the Society says about sex. They figure it's none of their damn business and they do what they please.
whom probably did a circle jerk afterwardsThanks for that. Now I'm trying hard to get that image out of my head. hehehe
Yeah, I agree with the some do, some don't sentiment. I am fairly sure that some are in the JW religion just for the association and they do their own thing away from the KH. I was generally a nerdy kid so I didn't get into much as a teenager, but I know others got into whatever they could get away with. I had no first hand knowledge of what adults did behind closed doors, but I did hear second hand stories of wife swapping in one case. And I also heard a story about elders in one area giving a local needs talk on seeing prostitutes. If that was true, why would they give a local needs talk unless this was something done by more than one or two people? As I mentioned, this is second-hand information, but I don't find it unbelievable.
Perhaps there was a local need to see a prostitute and they were looking for suggestions.
Despite JW rules to the contrary, I have never revealed confidences of patients with respect to sexual matters. So no elder would ever have heard what I have, nor will they. Even when I was an elder I did not allow the "elder in the bedroom mentality" to infect my thinking.
Believe it, dubs are just as horney as everyone else. And they do things just like everyone else. There are some stand in the shower to have sex types, but by and large the sexual habits of dubs run the full gamut.
I never even think about sex.