Why do they put 40 year shingles on Kingdom Halls?

by garybuss 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    LMAO --- yes they say one thing and then plan for the worst . I guess they buy refrigerators because that spiritual food just aint filling enough . I had the same thought as I read threads about them buying a new printing facility . Well if the end is so close and they are preparing for severe persecution and going under ground , of course that means they need to invest millions of dollars in new facilities .

  • shotgun

    Good point Gary

    My dub sister in law whom I think the world of tried to recorrect my apostate ways. Part of discussion was me telling her to have children now while she and her hubby are around 30 instead of waiting for paradise to have children....

    I asked her why she was putting her furture on hold for paradise but the organization was making expansions at Bethel to see them thru the next 5 to 10 years?

  • Nosferatu
    The JW's buy life insurance for the same reason non-JW's do.

    Just in case Armageddon isn't around the corner in their lifetime?

    I think it's quite a valid question. People who truly believed that Armageddon was coming in 1975 did things such as hold out on medical treatment, dental work, and sold their homes to spend the days before Armageddon in the preaching work.

    Perhaps 1975 taught them something? Or don't they fully believe that Armageddon is right around the corner?

  • Elsewhere

    I remember being told to "Live as if the end was tomorrow and plan as if it will never come". This was from several elders.

    Plan as if it will never come....

    Deep down they know it's a load of $#!+.

  • Hunyadi
    belief won't cover the immediate cost of the death of a loved one in this system

    Again, the buying of life insurance does not indicate a lack of faith on the part of a JW. If a family member dies, the cost of the burial, etc has to be paid regardless of your beliefs. THAT IS SORT OF WHAT LIFE INSURANCE IS FOR, ISN'T IT? I am amazed that so many "thinking people" can't get that. Again, the topic is silly and leaning toward frivolous JW bashing. Was it not the lack of tolorance in the org that mostly lead to your leaving? Or were you a nit-picky, complaining nit-wit that found falt with every little thing you saw?


  • RunningMan

    I don't think this topic is silly or frivolous in the least. It points out that deep down, JWs do not truly believe what they are saying.

    If the end is coming any minute, then there is no point in engaging in any projects that have more than an immediate time frame. The fact that they put 40 year shingles on kingdom halls indicates that they don't really believe that the end is imminent. If they did, they would frantically be spending every precious second trying to save people.

    They give lip service to the nearness of Armageddon, but their actions show they are just like everybody else.

  • garybuss

    "Many who had hoped to be among the 'millions'

    who would never die have indeed died."

    (The Watchtower, Feb. 15, 1995, p.9)

  • metatron

    Why do circuits have to pay for the C.O.'s health and car insurance?

    Why do many elders have IRAs or 401K's set up for retirement?

    I guess they don't think da Lord will provide


  • Mary

    Well ya see, they'll be so darn busy in the Neeeeewwww System helping to readjust the thinking of all those that are being resurrected, that they won't have time to re-shingle the ruffs of all the Kingdumb Halls which will surely survive. However, Home Depot is ripe for destruction so new shingles won't be available for the first thousand years.

    Simple eh?

  • wednesday

    a sis in her 60's told me once that her dad quit his job and moved to whrere the need was greater and bought a small 2 bedroom house and all that -in the 40's( she said they were expecting the big "A" in 45.. They of course quickly out grew the 2 bedroom house and now she is here and has a 4 br house and has a hubby with a really good job and retirement plan. Not all jws are fools. just a lot.

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