Bush Ads & 9-11

by ThiChi 68 Replies latest social current

  • czarofmischief

    In many ways, the rise of partisan politics in this country is comforting - things are getting back to normal!

    I think 9-11 was the day when all of america stopped for a second and realized that we are all in the same boat.

    Now the Republicans can get back to kicking ass, and the Democrats can tax and spend on Hug-A-Homeless-Homosexual social engineering programs.

    All I'm going to say is, you guys are going to look pretty silly if they find any WMD, even a little bit. If I were you, I'd back off the assertions that Bush "lied" about the WMD until the election - you are putting all of your eggs in one political basket, as it were. If you are campaigning on the issue that Bush "lied" and "misled" the nation, and then suddenly the war turns out to have been completely justified, well, your candidate will have some fast talking to do. Think about it, Clinton thought Saddam had those weapons, Saddam kept kicking out the inspectors for some kind of reason, are you really absolutely positively sure that there are NO WMD anywhere in Iraq? That's a big assertion to make. I really think you guys are playing right into the hands of skilled political manipulators. And I'm on their side, mostly, but I think you guys deserve fair warning. Your heart IS in the right place, after all.


  • heathen

    czar -- I think I realized we are all in the same boat with an idiot at the helm . Not only did 911 kill a bunch of people but destroyed the economy for a couple of years . If anything I think if the US wants to lead the world in anti weapons of mass destruction it needs to get rid of the ones it has and quit selling them to people like saddam hussein. I don't think it's a war about freeing the Iraqi people but about control of the huge oil reserves . Lately I've heard some politicians running for office on the platform that the US has enough oil and we don't need to send troops all over the world to control other countries supplies . I also couldn't help but notice all these things happening once the Bush family was accused of being involved with the enron scandal . It's like one minute they are asking GW about it and the next they were talking about the situation in the middle east. I guess it's your choice which one of the 3 stooges to vote for .

  • Mulan

    Something I heard on Bill Maher's show last night was pretty thought provoking too:

    Can you imagine (if Al Gore was the President now) how the Republicans would be using 9/11 against him, and saying "this happened on his watch"..........but because it's G.W. Bush, he is somehow taking credit for the aftermath.............which any President would have handled in a very similar manner.

    I agree completely with the firemen and the survivors who are offended. It's pretty disgusting, and G.W.B. needs new advisors................the landing on the aircraft carrier and now these ads???????????

  • Freded

    Why are there so many yellow dog democrats on JWD? Are most xjws liberals. Perhaps its because JW's have no "sense of nation" because they are taught to believe that all nations are under satantic influence, then when they leave they are without a country, they seem to have no loyalty to anything? What have they done to pay for their freedom (cliche). I'm not pointing a finger but I've found that JWs in general have never done anything for their country or their fellow man.

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Turns out the 9/11 family members protesting the adds are associated with a group funded by the Heinz foundation. That's Kerry's wifes foundation. What a surprise.

  • FirstInLine

    I am so disgusted by what we did in Iraq last year I am almost ashamed to be an American. Its all thanks to Bush. He has brought me shame.

    Entire families were wiped out. They did nothing to anyone. One man lost his parents, his wife, his siblings his children, everyone. He was the only one that was not at home and one of our precision weapons hit his house. You may recall the footage of the rubble. It was one of the attempts on Saddam and it was characterized by the same rescuer seen smoking a cigarette and turning his head.

    Entire families were gunned down because it was determined by our forces that anyone traveling on the road was up to "no good."

    AND FOR WHAT?????? We are no safer for what we did, we are at greater risk. No one asked for our help, and the way we did it certainly did not say we had the Iraqi people's best interests in mind. Iraq does not owe the US a debt of gratitude.

    Iraq , I on behalf of all America apologize for our President Halliburton, God bless and godspeed in rebuilding your country.

  • FirstInLine
    Why are there so many yellow dog democrats on JWD? Are most xjws liberals. Perhaps its because JW's have no "sense of nation" because they are taught to believe that all nations are under satantic influence, then when they leave they are without a country, they seem to have no loyalty to anything? What have they done to pay for their freedom (cliche). I'm not pointing a finger but I've found that JWs in general have never done anything for their country or their fellow man.

    Colonel Jessup's even more evil twin everyone. "YOU CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!"

  • slenderdog

    Iraq had nothing to do with "9-11." It was long expected that a Bush administration would overturn Saddam Hussein, expected before November 2000. "9-11" was a useful pretext for this policy, as well as for "Homeland Security" and the "Patriot" Act. "9-11" evokes fear in the public mind. Many of the fearful will rally around their president. Fear is one of the most powerful tools in the politician's arsenal. Fear produces acquiescence.

  • patio34

    As far as Bush using 9-11 attacks to further his career, the following link has pertinent information from news reports at the time as to what kind of leader George Bush showed himself to be.

    • For instance, what was George Bush doing when the attack went on (hint: it was in a school room).
    • How long did he remain inactive?
    • What kind of a leader reads a story to school children while his country is, as Farkel put it on another thread, receiving an attack of war?
    • Would you want a "leader" like this?

    Let's explore some more imagery of George Bush and the WTC attacks--simultaneously.

    Warning: this is brutally upsetting for Bushites on the board and they may want to ignore it (is this a habit for them lol?). If you are not a Bushite, the warning is that if you have a blood pressure problem, don't watch it.


  • Freded

    FirstinLine Who is colonel Jessup?

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