Ok, Frankie, now I look 'tupid! LOL
But what if history (the OT) was written after the fact by religious types who truly believed in a special Jewish god?
This is my suspicion. You can add god in wherever, to condemn or exhonerate according to your wishes.
It seems to me that explainations were given to what is now perfectly logical questions (i.e. creation, etc),
Followed by a copy-cat book of law to live by
Followed by published dissent that society was acting contrary to "god" (the prophetical books)
all the while, the jewish religion was all about physical sacrifices until some animals understandably became rare and valuable, and only the rich could afford them.
Followed by Jesus, a contemporary man who saw unjustice in that only the rich and famous could afford the luxury of appeasing this god.
And he called for an end to sacrificial religion, and tried to make us all equal in the eyes of god reguardless of the ability to pay.
Just my take.