LW: Briefly, my opinion is that the Bible picture of "Israel's religion" really begins with Josiah's reform, which enforces the exclusive worship of Yhwh (not yet "God") and centralizes it into the royal temple of Jerusalem -- and above all the exile which follows some 35 years later. This is the start of Deuteronomistic history, resulting in the "Egypt / exodus / wilderness / conquest / judges / united monarchy / kingdom division" pattern which, I think, is mostly theological fiction aimed at giving the new religion an old and pure origin (foundational myth). In this perspective, the true historical and religious memories of Israel and Judah are depicted as sinful deviance from an ideal start (Moses / Joshua / Samuel / David / Solomon). If we want to have an idea of the old Israelite religion from the Bible, we'd better look at what is forbidden by the deuteronomistic and postexilic Torah: golden calves/bulls, "high places" (actually temples), ancestor worship, sacred prostitution, Yhwh-Baal and Asherah, and so on.